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Sword & Scoundrel Preview: Session Zero

Session zero is a concept that’s been floating around the role-playing world since at least the mid-90s and has grown increasingly common in the decades since. In most cases, this is a largely informal process. The group gets together maybe even before they know what game they are going to play, with the GM just trying to muster up some buy-in before they invest their time in writing a whole campaign.  For most traditional games, session zero is a useful practice but a strictly optional one. Most of the biggest questions are answered for you and the remaining answers are…

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S&S EE Preview: Passions

The last week or so has been spent writing (and rewriting, and rewriting) what was arguably the hardest chunk of the book for me so far. Friday, I managed to get the draft done. Yesterday, I managed an editing pass, today I present to you: Passions. Passions are a combination of your out-of-character priorities as a player and a reflection of the character you’ve created to play. They form the primary reward and advancement mechanic of the game. As you pursue your passions, they grow in power and potency, giving you bonuses dice for conflicts based thereon. As their value…

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Sword & Scoundrel: Why D6s?

One of the things about designing a big project like this is that so much of the process is invisible. There will be a thousand little elements over which you have absolutely agonized, about which no one will have ever spared a second thought. Once in a while, though, someone will notice. They will ask a perfectly innocuous question, entirely unaware of the monstrous essay they have summoned forth. There is is a strange joy, as a creative, in getting to walk someone through the absurd depths to which you have overthought something. Today, Volca asked: “Someone familiar with tRoS…

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Fechtbook EE0.1

The first chunk of the EE Project is ready for prime-time. As is tradition, this comes in the form of a fechtbook, designed to allow players to make fighters and fight it out. This is the cleanest, smoothest iteration of the combat system yet and has thus far received fantastic feedback. Both the pdf version of the fechtbook and a form-fillable character sheet are now in the downloads section, so you can jump right into testing. In addition, a live google doc version of the rules is publicly available and open to comments. If you haven’t already, consider joining our…

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My Journey Through Role-Playing

“The entire history of our hobby consists of a series of footnotes to OD&D.” Some years ago I realized that I’d crossed a threshold: roleplaying games had gone from something I’d been doing for a long time to something I’d been doing most of my life. At this point, I’ve been running, playing, and hacking role-playing games for over twenty-five years. I’ve been writing my own role-playing games for fifteen, and as of last month I’ll have been writing about role-playing game for nine years. As I attempt to weave together all the threads that have become Zornhau into a…

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