Official news and updates on zornhau projects

Zornhau Substack

As of today, the zornhau substack is now live. Going forward, I’ll be mirroring posts both here and on substack. If you’d prefer to get your fix direct to your email feel free to sign up. Why Substack? For a…

Sword & Scoundrel Preview: Session Zero

Session zero is a concept that’s been floating around the role-playing world since at least the mid-90s and has grown increasingly common in the decades since. In most cases, this is a largely informal process. The group gets together maybe…

S&S EE Preview: Passions

The last week or so has been spent writing (and rewriting, and rewriting) what was arguably the hardest chunk of the book for me so far. Friday, I managed to get the draft done. Yesterday, I managed an editing pass,…

Fechtbook EE0.1

The first chunk of the EE Project is ready for prime-time. As is tradition, this comes in the form of a fechtbook, designed to allow players to make fighters and fight it out. This is the cleanest, smoothest iteration of…