

January Update

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What Isn’t a Role-Playing Game: A Final Note

The last few posts have been something of a series, all inspired by a single argument: “Storytelling Games are Not Roleplaying Games.” If you haven’t read any of these, the third is the most useful. The second can be skipped entirely…

Posting Signs (What Isn’t a Role-Playing Game, Part 3)

The Easiest Thing in the World is to Criticize Without Contributing… What isn’t a role-playing game? The last couple posts have been prompted by this question. In the first post, I briefly discussed some history around the topic and made an argument as…

What Isn’t a Role-Playing Game?

It was just over nine years ago that I started blogging about role-playing games. My initial entry into this new domain? A six-post, seven-thousand word series in response to John Wick’s Chess is Not an RPG. His was ostensibly a…

Zornhau Substack

As of today, the zornhau substack is now live. Going forward, I’ll be mirroring posts both here and on substack. If you’d prefer to get your fix direct to your email feel free to sign up. Why Substack? For a…

Wealth and Abstraction

Wealth is a deceptively complicated subject when it comes to role-playing game design. While it seems like it should be a relatively straightforward affair, it can quickly become… messy in use. As a result, a number of approaches have been…