Dev blogs, design theory, and other musings

What Isn’t a Role-Playing Game: A Final Note

The last few posts have been something of a series, all inspired by a single argument: “Storytelling Games are Not Roleplaying Games.” If you haven’t read any of these, the third is the most useful. The second can be skipped entirely…

Posting Signs (What Isn’t a Role-Playing Game, Part 3)

The Easiest Thing in the World is to Criticize Without Contributing… What isn’t a role-playing game? The last couple posts have been prompted by this question. In the first post, I briefly discussed some history around the topic and made an argument as…

What Isn’t a Role-Playing Game?

It was just over nine years ago that I started blogging about role-playing games. My initial entry into this new domain? A six-post, seven-thousand word series in response to John Wick’s Chess is Not an RPG. His was ostensibly a…

Wealth and Abstraction

Wealth is a deceptively complicated subject when it comes to role-playing game design. While it seems like it should be a relatively straightforward affair, it can quickly become… messy in use. As a result, a number of approaches have been…

Sword & Scoundrel: Why D6s?

One of the things about designing a big project like this is that so much of the process is invisible. There will be a thousand little elements over which you have absolutely agonized, about which no one will have ever…

My Journey Through Role-Playing

“The entire history of our hobby consists of a series of footnotes to OD&D.” Some years ago I realized that I’d crossed a threshold: roleplaying games had gone from something I’d been doing for a long time to something I’d…