

Sword & Scoundrel Preview: Session Zero

Session zero is a concept that’s been floating around the role-playing world since at least the mid-90s and has grown increasingly common in the decades since. In most cases, this is a largely informal process. The group gets together maybe…

S&S EE Preview: Passions

The last week or so has been spent writing (and rewriting, and rewriting) what was arguably the hardest chunk of the book for me so far. Friday, I managed to get the draft done. Yesterday, I managed an editing pass,…

Sword & Scoundrel: Why D6s?

One of the things about designing a big project like this is that so much of the process is invisible. There will be a thousand little elements over which you have absolutely agonized, about which no one will have ever…

Fechtbook EE0.1

The first chunk of the EE Project is ready for prime-time. As is tradition, this comes in the form of a fechtbook, designed to allow players to make fighters and fight it out. This is the cleanest, smoothest iteration of…

My Journey Through Role-Playing

“The entire history of our hobby consists of a series of footnotes to OD&D.” Some years ago I realized that I’d crossed a threshold: roleplaying games had gone from something I’d been doing for a long time to something I’d…