thirtythr33 wrote:The only thing I am not understanding is why Double Edged Sword gets Shield (or Buckler) proficiency and maneuvers for free, while everyone else has to either default to their main weapon's maneuvers or double spend on proficiency points.
The weapons that were used in conjunction with large shields such as Polearms and Mass Weapons get shield maneuvers anyway. In fact, when breaking up "double-edged sword" into Sword & Shield and Sword & Buckler, we're forcing you to make a more specific choice on HOW you use your double-edged sword.
thirtythr33 wrote:I think the obvious thing to do would be to entirely divorce the "& Shield" part of sword and just list "Double Edged Sword" and treat it exactly as you do for Messer and Sabre.
Please re-read the last paragraph: ... 1892#p1892
Now, if you're saying that you have
better terms to offer for "Ragnar-style fighting" and "D'artagnan-style fighting" than we've come up with, then I'm all ears. Just note that:
a) Broadsword as a term can't replace Sword & Shield, as that word is so convoluted to be essentially meaningless.
b) Arming Sword as a term can't replace Sword & Shield, as it would insinuate that gladius-wielding Titus Pullo would need use some other proficiency. Plus vikings weren't using arming swords either.
c) Sidesword as a term can't replace Sword & Buckler. I.33 -- the quintessential sword & buckler treatise -- specifically uses arming swords, which should be covered by the term. Also, rapier isn't a sidesword either.
d) Rapier -- again, too specific.
e) Cut-and-thrust Sword also won't do, as most arming swords are basically cut-and-thrust swords, so, that also puts arming swords solidly into one camp or another, which should not happen.
f) One-Handed Sword won't do as it encompasses both.
g) Double-Edged Sword also won't do as it also encompasses both, as well as the vast majority of hand-and-a-half, as well as two handed swords on top of that. Plus there's
g) And
this needs to be modeled somehow.