Leaning on the fourth wall

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Dogged Bastard
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Leaning on the fourth wall

Post by hector »

I'm assuming that everybody here knows what the fourth wall is, but on the off chance somebody doesn't, it's a theatrical concept wherein a set that represents a regular living room has four walls - the three that we can see, and the fourth wall, which separates the actors from the audience. Breaking the fourth wall is therefore when then actors interact with the audience in some way. Leaning on the fourth wall, meanwhile, is a phrase that I came across on TV Tropes. This is where the character says something that makes sense in the context of the scene, but is clearly aimed at the audience. Examples come from many TV shows ("Surprise, mother fucker!" from season 1 of Dexter comes to mind, as do many examples from Doctor Who).

I bring this up because I just rewatched Silence in the Library, where the final spoken line is very much this - and because my mind works in weird ways, I was reminded of a time where I actually pulled this off in a gaming session. And finally I've gotten to the point - congratulations to those of you who made it this far ;).

We were playing a game called Beyond the Wall (a game that's a mix of D&D 3.5 and some OSR elements, designed for running one off sessions on zero prep), and at one point we were discussing what we could do with a large amount of money. One of the other players mentioned that we could build a wall around the village, at which point I said something along the lines of "Yeah; to protect the village from that which lies beyond it". After the GM stopped laughing long enough to speak, he gave me a fortune point for making him laugh while staying in character, and we continued play.

So, basically, I was wondering how badly people had abused the fourth wall without actually breaking it in game - or, of course, any other funny gaming stories.
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