[Act 2] [Scene 6] [A Don Deal]

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[Act 2] [Scene 6] [A Don Deal]

Post by thirtythr33 »

Marco ascends the stairs to the second level of Giovanni's tower, where Ferran had his surgery done the night before. The blood has been cleaned off the floor and table, but a conspicuous stain mars the corner of an expensive looking rug. On the large oak table is two sets of plates and cutlery, a generous platter of arranged fruits and a pitcher of watered down wine. Next to that is a loaf of bread and a plate of fish which smell like they were freshly cooked. At the far end of the room is Giovanni, having finally changed out the robes he wore the night before, is now wearing a more practical blue doublet and red trousers, each with silver and gold trim and accents. The colors and style matches the coat of arms of the Duchy of Mirandola.

Giovanni looks over to Marco and gives a warm smile as he enters. "Good morning Don Marco. Won't you join me for breakfast? Things have been so frantic since you arrived, we haven't had a chance to talk."
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Re: [Act 2] [Scene 6] [A Don Deal]

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"With pleasure... I mean, it would be an honor for me, don Giovanni" - Marco walks to the table to take his seat, but as he's not used to wearing the rapier all the time, he has some minor problems maneuvering around the chair. Finally, he just unbelts his sword and sits down comfortably.

"Maestro, thank you for your hospitality, it means much to me. But I'm afraid I'll have to ask you for another favor..."
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Re: [Act 2] [Scene 6] [A Don Deal]

Post by thirtythr33 »

Giovanni takes a seat opposite from Marco and cuts a slice of the fish for himself. "Please, go on."
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Re: [Act 2] [Scene 6] [A Don Deal]

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Marco starts relating in detail, what has happened to his father - health problems, alleged poisoning and finally Lucio's diagnose.

"... and this is when Ferran has suggested to ask for your help, so we set off to Mirandola. Maestro, do you have any idea what might have happened to my father?"
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Re: [Act 2] [Scene 6] [A Don Deal]

Post by thirtythr33 »

Giovanni wait patiently for Marco to finish his recounting. "No, I don't know offhand but I have some likely resources I could use to find out. These resources however are costly, so I would ask you a favor in return. But first tell me Marco, which you would prefer. To have your father cured of his ailment, or to know the identity and method of the poisoner?"
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Re: [Act 2] [Scene 6] [A Don Deal]

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"To have him cured, but... I'd also have to find the poisoner, to prevent this from happening again..."
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Re: [Act 2] [Scene 6] [A Don Deal]

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Giovanni nods. "Indeed. This choice however, has a logistical requirement. I would need to meet with Don Claudio myself and my duties won't allow me to make a trip to Venice at this time." He pauses to let Marco think. "The alternative is that with the knowledge of the poisoning, the culprit could be brought to justice and Lucio may be able to bring Don Claudio back to good health without interference. To research this would take only a few days."
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Re: [Act 2] [Scene 6] [A Don Deal]

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"Seems like there's not much choice - if you're not able to cure my father now, please help me find the wrong-doer... How can I repay you, Maestro?"
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Re: [Act 2] [Scene 6] [A Don Deal]

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"Although my duties prevent me from leaving, you could never-the-less escort your father here, from Venice. Hold your choice for a moment, as the specifics of my request may be a significant factor." Giovanni tears off a hunk of bread and chews on it, apparently not in any rush.

"As you no doubt would have seen on your way through the city, we are in the final stages of closing the fortifications around the next section of Mirandola. As such, I have the majority of my able bodied men digging ditches or hauling stone. Those who aren't doing that are patrolling to keep refugees out." He takes another bite of his food, taking his time. "Well, all that is to say that I don't have enough men available to deal with the uprising in Florence. If we are to fend off King Charles, we should reinstate the Medici as quickly as we can. If you could convince Venician Council to take immediate action towards that end, I'll be able to focus my efforts on aiding your father in one way or another."
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Re: [Act 2] [Scene 6] [A Don Deal]

Post by Korbel »

Marco was never eating very much, his small frame perfectly sustained by modest amounts of food... but now? All the recent events and his first serious travel have turned up his metabolism, so he's using the long periods of Giovanni talking to fill up his stomach.

"Maestro! What would you say, if I suggested this: I'll travel back to Venice, speak with the Council to make them do something about revolting Florence, then bring my father here, where you'd try to cure him and then help me find out who is the poisoner actually?"
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Re: [Act 2] [Scene 6] [A Don Deal]

Post by thirtythr33 »

Giovanni raises an eyebrow. "Perhaps it is possible, but we should take this one step at a time. I can give you no guarantees of success, only a better chance than would be available without my help. You may not be... entirely satisfied with the results."

Giovanni shifts the subject and continues. "Besides, agreeing to perform both favors before even seeing the return on the first would put me at a disadvantage. Unfortunately, aiding your father's recovery and identifying the culprit are two wholly distinct tasks, each with their own perils and I would require a favor for each. It is mostly a question of your priorities and what you are willing to do to achieve them."
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Re: [Act 2] [Scene 6] [A Don Deal]

Post by Korbel »

Marco stands up from his seat and begins to carefully consider the situation, walking around the room and watching the outside through the tower's windows. What would be the best course of action now? Is it more important to try to cure his father immediately, or maybe he could wait for an unknown period of time until the poisoner it stopped?

"I'll put trust in Lucio's medical skills; hopefully he can keep my father from getting much worse until we can get rid of the source of the whole trouble. Maestro, please, help me find the man.
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Re: [Act 2] [Scene 6] [A Don Deal]

Post by thirtythr33 »

"Very well." Giovanni says with a finality. "Then it is decided." He takes a bite of the fish before continuing. "It is yet a few days before the next syzygy." He pauses, anticipating Marco's confusion at the word and then clarifies. "The next heavenly alignment. You and your companions are my guests until then. No doubt Ferran will welcome the rest. I will be quite occupied with Galeotto's duties in his absence, as well as looking into this business for your father. However, feel free to ask any of the servants for assistance if you want for anything."
"O happy dagger!
This is thy sheath; there rust, and let me die."

- Juliet Capulet
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