How Bastards killed my Homebrew

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Re: How Bastards killed my Homebrew

Post by thirtythr33 »

That there should be a reason to wear maille. Having plate at AV6 and maille at AV3 with no other statistics would make plate strictly better than maille if you could afford it.

In Bob the main reason is that plate has a higher CP penalty and doesn't cover armpit or hamstring.
"O happy dagger!
This is thy sheath; there rust, and let me die."

- Juliet Capulet
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Re: How Bastards killed my Homebrew

Post by nemedeus »

thirtythr33 wrote: Magic Items
* Focuses are powerful and (spiritually) costly but "common". Usually only usable by creator
* Magic items don't give +1s. They add new capabilities instead
* Limited to # magic items created. Can be exchanged later. Rare
Don't know where else to put this, and you mentioned magic items, so here's what i've been working on a few weeks ago:
Wondrous Items wrote: 1. Swords

Blade of a Saint (rare)
These rare, pristine Longswords are said to sacrifice themselves to save their wielder's life.
When the wielder would take fatal damage, the blade shatters and the damage is negated.

Blade of a Heretic (rare)
Immaculate bladed weapons made of darkened steel. They are said to whisper to their wielders, and to betray those who show mercy.
While wearing this sword, the owner can be tempted to commit murder. When the owner has burned SA to resist temptation 3 times, the blade shatters. This count can be reset with a kill.

Marked Blades (extremely rare)
Each of these blades has the name of an immortal being engraved. The swords themselves perform as any other, but they are completely indestructible by the power of their namesake.
Upon obtaining one of these weapons, the owner gains the Story Aspect “Kill (this Blade's Mark)”. If they cannot take any more Story Aspects, they must replace one.

Life-hunting Blades (extremely rare)
These infamous blades were once employed in the lost Art of the Lifehunt, and are said to be feared even by the gods themselves.
Blood drawn by Life-hunting Blades cannot be recovered.

Lifedrinker, the Useless Sword of War (unique)
A vile-looking sword of eastern making, engraved with sceneries of war. It draws blood easily. Some call it the perfect weapon, others know it as the Chaos Blade, and call it the bane of humanity.
Any Wounds inflicted by this weapon that cause Bloodloss, have the actual blood lost from this increased by 1. Every time this weapon is drawn or sheathed, the blade consumes 1 point of the wearer's Blood (can be regained normally).

Glory (unique)
A legendary sword, also known as Caliburn, once wielded by an ancient King. It never takes on rust or blemishes. The sword is mighty in battle, however, Glory fears Ruin: in the presence of its twin blade, Glory is weak.
Actions using Glory have advantage. In the presence of Ruin, they are disadvantaged instead.

Ruin (unique)
A bastard sword also known as Clarent, owned by the old king's brother. No matter how much it is polished, it always looks worn and rusty, but it never breaks. Ruin performs like an ordinary sword, but when fighting its twin, it has the upper hand. Ruin despises Glory. To carry both swords is a fool's effort, yet to get rid of Ruin is a futile endeavor.
When fighting against the wielder of Glory, actions using Ruin have advantage.

A Blade forged in Moonlight (unique)
A steel greatsword, with its massive blade inexplicably covered in light green patina. Unusually heavy compared to swords of similar size, but in moonlit nights, it seems more eager to be swung.
Actions using this sword have disadvantage by day. In unclouded full-moon nights, it gains advantage.
Power – Moonlight Edge: ranged attack (range: medium, energy damage – calculate as normal).

A Blade forged in Sunlight (unique)
A longsword radiating a certain warmth. Said to have belonged to an outstandingly skilled warrior who liked to bask in the light of the sun.
When the carrier basks in sunlight, he may regain 1 SA point if he has none left.
Power – Sunlight Edge: ranged attack (range: medium, fire damage – calculate as normal).

Claidheamh Solais (unique)
This simple sword glows with magic light. When drawn to charge into battle, the light given off multiplies a hundredfold, blinding enemies.
When drawn for the first time in battle, opponents must succeed Reflexes vs. Ob3 or be blinded.

2. Daggers

Dirk of Agares (unique)
A pristine, fragile-looking, silver stiletto. It is said to be able to break through any defence, but ironically, is completely useless for self-defence. Its true purpose is revealed when facing falsehood: it readily breaks through veils of deception, dispelling glamour and illusions.
Attacks using this dagger ignore half armour, but the resulting wound level is limited to 1.

A Traitor's Trust (unique)
An otherwise ordinary dagger that was meant for the assassination of an ally. As soon as the deed is done, the dagger will turn invisible to anyone but the owner.
While carrying this dagger, the owner can be tempted to do selfish and cowardly things, as well as to commit murder.

A Broken Dagger (unique)
This beautifully ornamented dagger is broken down the blade. The broken-off part of the blade is missing.
Upon obtaining this item, the owner gains the Story Aspect “Find the missing part”. If they cannot take another Story Aspect, they must replace one.

Arretin's Reward (unique)
A heavily ornamented dagger with a wavy blade. When used to murder in cold blood, the wielder's own body will suffer the wound instead, and their victim's mind will be replaced by their own.

3. Other Weapons

Lance of Sir Bernstein (unique)
A golden lance with a point made of Amber. Once owned by a valiant knight fighting selflessly and without fear, it's power allows one to charge into battle by the might of a lightning.
Power – Amber Lance: charge attack (range: medium, lightning damage – calculate as normal)

Shield of Barbatos (unique)
A completely undecorated heater shield with eternally untarnished mirror-polish steel facing. The shield may have other powers, but any owner will appreciate it's complete indestructibility.

4. Rings

Shackles of Life (rare)
Fragile rings carved from the bones of martyrs, with a tiny ruby inlay. The wearer of this ring is not allowed to leave for the next world; no matter how mangled, beaten, or dismembered, they will stay alive until the ring is removed from their fingers.
Effectively reduces the cost of Not Quite Dead to 0 SA points.

Plain Copper Ring (unique)
A simple ring made of copper. Its origins are unknown.
The wearer of this ring may be granted insight into their options going forward.

Ring of a long dead Witch (unique)
This simple ring is engraved in an unknown script. The woman it once belonged to was allegedly consumed by a great pain.
The wearer has advantage on checks for deciphering ancient languages.

Cursebitten Ring (rare)
Crude iron rings with a quartz inlay. According to legend, the creation of these rings was accompanied by a terrifying process.
When the wearer suffers a curse, the ring is cursed in his stead.

Ring of an Embraced Man (unique)
This beautifully ornamented gold ring is said to have belonged to a man thrice blessed: with health, wealth, and even the affection of a certain goddess. Alas, his heart fell to greed, and so the man unwittingly orchestrated his own demise.
The wearer of this ring does not need to burn SA points to resist temptation. If the wearer ever gives in to temptation, or removes the ring from their finger, the ring shatters.

Ring for a Rite of Passage (unique)
This type of black ring with a fiery gem inlay was used as part of an arduous task in a cursed man's initiation. There is an undeniable sense of achievement in overcoming it's calamity.
While wearing this ring, any SA points the wearer gains are immediately burned.

Hollow Bloodring (unique)
This blackened silver ring has a slot for an inlay that is prominently empty. The ring is said to draw out the hidden strengths of its wearer, albeit at a terrible cost...
While the ring is worn, every check made by the wearer has a minimal MoS of 1, and burns an SA point. If no SA points are left, a point of Blood is consumed instead.

A forgotten Knight's Ring (unique)
A silver ring bearing the crest of a wolf. The original owner was said to have possessed an unbendable will.
While wearing this ring, the owner can be tempted to acts of unrelenting bravery.
Power – Will of Steel: when taking impact, halve that impact.

5. Tools

Mystic Cube (rare)
Golden, ornamented cubic apparatuses, about 18 centimetres in side length. The top side holds a big glass sphere that for lack of a better word seems to be filled with void, and one of the sides holds four different gems. Uncovering the exact use of these cubes may require some experimentation.

Hand of Glory (rare)
Embalmed hand of a hanged man, posed to hold a candle. Light cast from this macabre candlestick is only visible to the owner.

Eye of Vance (unique)
A ceramic imitation of a human eye of unknown origins. It seems to be shifting in place constantly, but will appear still when directly looked at. The eye is said to detect hidden things.

Eternal Eyestone (extremely rare)
A spherical stone the size of a human eye. The stone is black and very smooth. It is said that its exact uses are revealed to those who are willing to sacrifice an eye.

Old Witch Kyren's Lantern (unique)
An old oil lantern searchlight. The eerie, green light cast by it reveals invisible things.

A Fool's Compass (unique)
An old, worn-looking pocket compass. The needle does not point towards magnetic north; instead, it points towards wherever the holder of the compass ought to be at the moment, even if they themselves would think otherwise.

Three Brooches (unique)
A set of triangular gold brooches. They are said to grant their wearers insight, confidence, and fill them with determination respectively. However, the veracity of these claims is hard to confirm.

A Cursed Tarot Deck (unique)
It's exactly what you think it is. This cursed deck of tarot cards seals the fate of those foolish enough to use it for divination.

Hand of Charred Midas, Exploded (unique)
An ornamented golden gauntlet, to be worn on the right hand, with a ruby set into its palm. Anything else than objects gold, when touched with the gem by laying on the hand, will explode after approximately 6 seconds, however, this will consume the ruby. It is possible to insert a new ruby into the slot to effectively “recharge” the gauntlet.
The gauntlet's wearer is protected from the effects of the explosion.

Rod of Ankyras (unique)
A heavy wooden staff, a bit more than 2 metres in height. It's top is gnarly and rough. The aramic letters “V R CH D V R” are engraved below the head. The object has a uncanny air of authority and expectation about it. For those who master it, the Rod will do as they say, if said in the ancient aramic language. However, what does it take to become its master?
Upon obtaining this item, the owner gains the Story Aspect “Master the Rod”. If they cannot take another Story Aspect, they must replace one.

An Ancient Pocketwatch (unique)
A golden, heavily ornamented pocketwatch that doesn't count up the time while the lid stays closed. When the lid is opened, the dial begins to tick, and time around the user bends as to roughly sixty times the normal “speed” of time. The effect lasts until the lid is closed. The user will perceive the world heavily red-shifted while in this time bubble. Should there be a limitation to the use of this artefact, it is not apparent.
The user ages an hour for every second they spend in the time bubble.

6. Consumables

Tears of a Goddess (extremely rare)
Small vial filled with a golden liquid. A single drop is enough to heal any ailment. No more than nine drops of fluid are contained in the vial.
When a drop is ingested, any Wounds are instantly healed, any illnesses or poisons are instantly removed, and any Blood lost is immediately recovered. The vial contains 3d3 drops.

Twig Arrows (rare)
Arrows that look like freshly cut hazel twigs, with no metal tip. They will grow roots digging into their victim, eventually transforming it into a tree.

Fey Dust (uncommon)
A pouch of glittering powder that smells like ash. When a bit of the powder is thrown down on the ground, it disperses in the air, and the user and any friends within a certain radius are concealed from sight. The bag contains about 13 ounces of dust.
Every ounce used increases the radius of the effect by 1 meter.

Warding Candles (common)
Black candles made from an unknown wax-like material, with golden runes. While lit, they ward off otherworldy entities.

The Skeleton King's Fingerbones (unique)
These finger bones of a once king of thieves can be inserted into any lock and open it, but each bone can only be used once. There are no more than 8 left in this world.

7. Furniture

Prisoner's Plate (unique)
This full suit of plate armour covers the entire body and displays excellent craftsmanship in flawless condition. The previous owner was not so lucky: his skeleton is still inside.

The Ageless Throne (unique)
A simplistic, monolithic stone in form of a throne. It is said that he who sits down in it shall become a great Lord, and is imbued with great power, but there is a downside: once sat, one will find it progressively harder to leave.
Leaving the throne requires burning 1 SA point. This increases by 1 more SA point needed every time it is done.
I wonder how many more or less obscure references people can spot?
"First Rule of War Club: Don't fight in the War Room" - Clint Eastwood, 1920
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