Agamemnon creates another project for himself knowing full well that he shouldn't (New PbP game?)

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Re: Agamemnon creates another project for himself knowing full well that he shouldn't (New PbP game?)

Post by thirtythr33 »


How does The Order compare to corrupt and oppressive organisations like the Spanish Inquisition or Warhammer Inquisitors versus the just and liberating versions like Judge Dredd and fantasy Paladins? What is their selection process, and how does the general public regard them?

(Sorry for all the questions but I got ideas flying all over the place already!)
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Re: Agamemnon creates another project for himself knowing full well that he shouldn't (New PbP game?)

Post by Agamemnon »

thirtythr33 wrote:Neat.

How does The Order compare to corrupt and oppressive organisations like the Spanish Inquisition or Warhammer Inquisitors versus the just and liberating versions like Judge Dredd and fantasy Paladins? What is their selection process, and how does the general public regard them?

(Sorry for all the questions but I got ideas flying all over the place already!)
I imagine that, like the aforementioned Dogs, (we should start calling The Order members Hounds in the way that Night's Watch get called Crows. Maybe the Imperial Mastiff is even the heraldry of The Order?) it all really depends on the individuals in charge. To the people, you're seen as an extension of the Emporer's will. Whether that means you are truth and justice, or oppressive jackboots probably depends on a combination of your conduct and how the local populace feels about the empire in general. I'm sure there are minstrels out there telling folktales about steely-eyed Hounds taking care of vilified traitors and bandits and yadda yadda.. though at the same time there are more quiet whispers that the Hounds are not people you want scrutinizing you too closely.

You're some combination of knight-errant, inquisition, Gestapo, spy-hunters, and western marshal/texas ranger. I'm sure different Hounds will naturally gravitate towards their own niches, with different moral feelings on the subject. One might practically be the image of a paladin. The next might use their power to make themselves a tyrant. The third might never make themselves known at all, working behind the scenes to deal with threats to the imperial peace. The emperor cares very little, so long as things are handled.

Of course, this does create a kind of natural balance. If a Hound's action causes more trouble than it solves, then they will be recalled, removed, or even disposed of. I can easily see a situation where one Hound even suspects another of turning dirty, getting involved in things they shouldn't.. the two denounce each other and blood is shed by all means at their disposal to murder the other or bring them in before the Emperor.

Given the premise, I imagine that there's a very Night's Watch kind of oath involved. I can see it being something where anyone who shows promise might be granted the ability to apply. This will make things even more interesting for social conflicts, as you might well then be an up-jumped peasant who is now granted authority over nobility - much to their displeasure. You're trained in a number of things (basic combat, investigation, imperial law) but the biggest test might actually be some kind of loyalty. After all, you are getting ridiculous amounts of authority. There is likely an apprenticeship program a la Jedi/Padawan before you're given your medal of office. I can also see a night's watch sort of deal where you're allowed to own no land, no children you have will be recognized, cannot inherit, etc. It is a vow for life, with the intention that you cannot be bought, will not be worried about your legacy or having children, and so on. The best you can hope for is to retire in the emperor's graces and be allowed to train the next generation of Hounds.

I can't imagine there are a ton of you lot either. Probably fewer than a hundred at any one time. We can have a very Kaer Morhen style castle someplace that is where applicants are trained and tested.

I'm spitballing ideas here, not totally settled on anything. Feel free to chime in.
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Re: Agamemnon creates another project for himself knowing full well that he shouldn't (New PbP game?)

Post by taelor »

Agamemnon wrote:I've got a basic idea for a pitch in mind. I'll need to flesh it out into an official post, but imagine it a little bit Dogs in the Vineyard meets Warhammer Fantasy.
I'm sold.
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Re: Agamemnon creates another project for himself knowing full well that he shouldn't (New PbP game?)

Post by EinBein »

This is superb.

Would everyone belong to the order or only one (and the other being mercenaries)? Or would there be some form of internal hierarchy, naming one/two/more the inquisitor and the others the henchmen?

What role will faith play? Until now, the Hounds seem to be a governance thing of the Empire, not necessarily linked to belief in some god(s). And if faith plays a role, there will surely be some counter-faith / demon worship? If not, I can see this being played without much religion as well, but this always help to establish some standards that can be played with...
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Re: Agamemnon creates another project for himself knowing full well that he shouldn't (New PbP game?)

Post by Agamemnon »

We would need at least one person to be an official member, but the whole group could be if they really wanted. On the other hand, you could easily have one character play something of an aging veteran hound, another play his apprentice, and then others play the mercenaries, cut-throats, assassins, or whatever other agents miscreants make up the retinue of the people involved.

There is no reason you ALL couldn't be badge-wearing Hounds, but you have plenty of room to decide what you want to play. While hounds probably need a good set of social skills, investigatory prowess, political acumen and decent combat expertise (in some ways, it almost helps to think of them as Jedi for their role and skill set), playing part of the retinue would mean you could make basically any kind of character you might imagine being useful to The Order.

Insofar as religion, because this takes place in a world we've established a bit already we know the empire has an official religion (and I'll write it up when I get everything written up for you guys) which could be most easily described as "what if the Catholic Church were founded by the bene gesserit and sounded like a Gnostic Zoroastrianism?" It's a proselytizing and suspicious faith, but as of yet there are still pagans faiths out there doing their thing (which is clearly itself demon worship) and the church doesn't have official sanction to force the issue. Not yet, anyway. The PCs themselves could certainly be religious (one way or another) and that could certainly color how they choose to enforce their directive, but it isn't the explicit goal of the order.
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Re: Agamemnon creates another project for himself knowing full well that he shouldn't (New PbP game?)

Post by EinBein »

I've already a clear picture in mind for my character. Maybe it helps to set the mood:

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Re: Agamemnon creates another project for himself knowing full well that he shouldn't (New PbP game?)

Post by EinBein »

How do we proceed? Any concepts from 33, taelor or nemedeus?

Some elements I would like to see:
1. Sinister demon cults
2. Cannibals
3. Tough decisions

As my English isn't perfect, I would say that I play a foreigner. Maybe the one from the north, but maybe also some place east or west. I'm open to any type of character still (fighter, hound, rogue).

I'm eager to start guys ;) A rolling stone gathers no moss...
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Re: Agamemnon creates another project for himself knowing full well that he shouldn't (New PbP game?)

Post by thirtythr33 »

I've got some ideas fermenting along the lines of:

Outsider, Superstitious, Enemy (some demon), Uncompromising

Status (Hound)

Story Aspects
Root out the sorcery that infects this land
Even when it's not Demons, it's Demons
Sometimes you have to work outside the law

Dark skinned (actor Peter Mensah probably)
Open Helm, Breastplate
Saber + Buckler and/or Bladed Polearm

Lore (Occult)
Language / Culture (homeland)

If i'm the local hound I could drop Outsider and change appearance and pick up Contacts or Home Turf edge.
Cannibals and tough decisions also sounds cool.
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Re: Agamemnon creates another project for himself knowing full well that he shouldn't (New PbP game?)

Post by Agamemnon »

I love cannibals AND sinister demon cults! Tough decisions should go without saying, though, heh... This is basically written to be Tough Decisions: The Game.

On my end, I've been brainstorming bits and pieces for the official write up, as well as some ideas for the kinds of awful I have in store for you guys. Of course, all of this will then get built around whatever you guys come up with for SAs and character concepts. This will also be the first time in years I've GM'd for anyone who wasn't part of the 5 or so people that make up my home group, so that's even more interesting for me. Excitement all around.
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Re: Agamemnon creates another project for himself knowing full well that he shouldn't (New PbP game?)

Post by taelor »

I'm thinking about making a stealthy/backstabby type character. There are a couple of ways I could go with this, haven't really decided strongly on one. Will probably be taking high priorities for skill and proficiencies. Haven't decided whether I want to be a Hound, or a local free agent. Am very much a fan of sinister cults. Will post more when my ideas solidify a bit more.
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Re: Agamemnon creates another project for himself knowing full well that he shouldn't (New PbP game?)

Post by nemedeus »

Hi, sorry i didn't reply.

Basically, i've already said it, i'd like to play basically a fanatic armoured Lady of War.
What i'd expect to see is thus: faith-challenging revelations.

That could either be corruption -- both political and demonic -- of the "church" (or whatever it's called), maybe allusions of an entire covet group of high-ranked Order Officials being in league with the devil or something;
Or maybe an encounter with a real demon, and it turns out they are people too (although noone admits it)? That could be a more "realistic" moral conflict, but it's also less pulp-actiony.

I'll figure out how to create the gal shortly.
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Re: Agamemnon creates another project for himself knowing full well that he shouldn't (New PbP game?)

Post by EinBein »

Okay, when 33 plays the hound, taelor a rogue and nemedeus a fighter, I would play a local mercenary specialized in monster hunting who knows the north rather well.

Addiction to alcohol (minor)

Either Home turf or Network (major); I'm a bit torn between the two (and don't want to take tier 4 either, because the monster hunter aspect requires at least some martial prowess)

Story Aspects
I'm a man of my word
Hunt down the cannibals that supposedly live among the people of Krahenhorst hamlet
Earn some money to be able to settle down in a couple of years

furrowed face with wild whiskers and moustache and dark circles around the eyes
smells of alcohol
medium, cheap armor with maybe some salvaged pieces of plate
Zweihänder and dagger as pistols are far too expensive for anything below high freeman

Trade: Monster hunter

Question to Agamemnon: Any different language in the north? If so, I'd take it.
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Re: Agamemnon creates another project for himself knowing full well that he shouldn't (New PbP game?)

Post by taelor »

So, here's some thoughts that I had: my character's father was the leader of an underground pagan folk religion. Over time, this religion was infiltrated and co-opted by demon-worshipping cannibals. My character's father objected strenuously to this, and was murdered. Now, my character is out for revenge.

Also, how travelling will the party be doing? I was thinking about having my character own an inn as cover for illegal activities, but it sounds like we're going to be doing a lot of running around the countryside, so that might not be practical.
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Re: Agamemnon creates another project for himself knowing full well that he shouldn't (New PbP game?)

Post by EinBein »

Maybe a large cart would suffice?
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Re: Agamemnon creates another project for himself knowing full well that he shouldn't (New PbP game?)

Post by Korbel »

EinBein wrote:Maybe a large cart would suffice?
Yeah, probably:

