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Re: Welcome! Introduce Yourself!

Post by higgins »

I'm glad to see so many old friends here! :)

Access granted for everyone.
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Re: Welcome! Introduce Yourself!

Post by Deliverator »

Matt Weber here, same screen name as on the old forums. Very excited by this direction of things. Have some ideas, which I will share in other posts.

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Re: Welcome! Introduce Yourself!

Post by kversaw »

My name is Ken and I'm here to see if anyone wants to buy some Viagra!


Seriously though I'm a life long gamer and am very excited about the BotIT and now SoS. I prefer more realistic games and tend to try to leave magic out of any game I run, so I think SoS is going to be right up my alley. I'm excited to see what you guys come up with and will help out in any way I can.
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Re: Welcome! Introduce Yourself!

Post by higgins »

Oh yeah. I spotted you for a spammer right away. ;)
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Re: Welcome! Introduce Yourself!

Post by kversaw »

Taho wrote: I'm still running two tros campaigns at the moment, one in a 1581 Pirates setting and another one in Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire setting.
I'm a huge fan of ASOIAF. In fact I found out about Riddle of Steel from an ASOIAF fan site. I'd be interested in hearing more about that campaign setting, as I've considered running something similar myself.
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Re: Welcome! Introduce Yourself!

Post by Cogs42 »

Really, really great to see another successor to TRoS, with Higgins at the helm. I've been following the other successor closely, but as yet, I'm not entirely convinced that it is for me.

I discovered TRoS a few years ago, and contributed occasionally to the TrosFans website. I never did get it to the table, although I came close. I would love to see Song of Steel capture the feel of TRoS, but with a more rounded and complete ruleset!
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Re: Welcome! Introduce Yourself!

Post by Harry »

Hi all,

I am Harry. I have been a fan if TROS since the initial publication. Unfortunately real life means I have had limited time to play. I look forward to seeing the development of this historical game. Song of Steel sounds really interesting.


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Re: Welcome! Introduce Yourself!

Post by higgins »

I'm glad to see the enthusiasm! Welcome aboard! :)
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Re: Welcome! Introduce Yourself!

Post by Wolf Lord »


I'm S. Michael. I've been playing and contributing silently to TROS for a good many years, and I was excited to see multiple projects going out to create games that maintained the spirit of Jake's game.

I can't really comment on rules until I see what they are going to look like, but I am optimistic. I can't wait to see what you have been hashing out and how it fits together to make a coherent system.
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Re: Welcome! Introduce Yourself!

Post by Siggi »


I'm Alex from Moscow. So, what's up guys? No news & updates since 17 January? I'm really interested in this project and would be happy to know, what's happening right now, does the work continue or not.

Wound Wheels and Tables fascinated me pretty much - I believe it's a good step forward from the original rules of TRoS. That's why I hope to hear some good news about the project in the nearest future.
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Re: Welcome! Introduce Yourself!

Post by higgins »

Hi, Alex, and thanks for signing up! :)

Sorry for no updates. I'm in the process of moving right now and my co-writer had to change careers quite recently. Other than that, I've been testing the heck out of ranged combat, and a few tweaks aside, the rules have played out beautifully. Brutal headshots. Insta-kills with a bow while shooting through glass. Rearward crotch shot to a person climbing on a ladder... and much more cool stuff has happened during the test. Our cover rules are unlike anything I have ever seen in an RPG and I'm looking forward to getting them out. :ugeek:

Last night I had the first serious grapple scene as well. It flowed nicely and the player who saw the grapple rules for the first time picked them up on the fly. The fight ended up with one of the characters being choked out. :)

Also, the Edges & Flaws section is getting a major overhaul compared to its current write-up, as we decided to ditch the hard-to-remember-modifiers and go for broader narrative effects, which both decreases the mechanical bulk and adds tons to the dramatic potential.

Once I have my desk set up at my new home, I can resume hammering out the beta. :)
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Re: Welcome! Introduce Yourself!

Post by Arrow Odd »

Call me Brian. I've been playing rpgs, on and off, since the first blue D&D book. I won't bore you with an inventry of the rules & settings I've encountered over the years.

So, how did I get to the SoS homepage? I recently became aware of TROS from posts in another forum. Digging into that lead me to BoiIT (or however you wish to capitalise it), which I have now read but not run. Googling for further info lead me here. There's a lot to like there.

Anyway, taking the "What is Song of Steel" from your faq as being a mission statement. It's bang on the money for me. These days I'm more ineresting in running campaigns in a historical setting (but where the folklore /magic/ religion of the time is real) than all out S&S. I've been promising my players a revival of our 'All For One' campaign - and I can see a system port heading our way.

To my mind any magic system belongs with the setting. I don't see any point in having a universal magic system or padding out the core rules with a myriad of possible systems.

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Re: Welcome! Introduce Yourself!

Post by higgins »

Welcome to the boards, Brian!

Our game can already be found by googling? Awesome! :)

And it's also great to hear that we've hit on a concept that intrigues people. I can only hope this trend continues.

As a minor update, we have just a couple of pesky Flaw-mechanics to conquer before being completely done with that chapter. In addition, we've found that the complete lack of ranged weapons allows a group to be easily and overwhelmingly dominated by enemies that pack decent amount of firepower. The only option for the gunless group was to run, hide and then ambush -- which is exactly how it should be. Storming a gunman with multiple people would be doable, but not without casualties. Also, coming up with non-boring chase rules is hard.
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Re: Welcome! Introduce Yourself!

Post by justinCEsmith »

Hi, I'm Justin (no alias).

So ya, I'm a fan of TRoS, I discovered years after through a mention on The Burning Wheel forums.

I've got to say, I'm impressed with the more focused direction this is taking and emphasizing SAs as the central currency. That sold me on SoS more than any thing else.

Keep up the good work, and I hope to get my hands on the playtest when its ready!
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Re: Welcome! Introduce Yourself!

Post by hector »

Mornin' all. Another old trosfans regular here. I'm really liking the blog posts thus far, and would very much like to do a bit of play testing and free advertising for you. Just one question: how easy will it be to port the Caravan adventure over? Also, I may just create a combat sim for this system, just because of how much fun I had with the old TRoS simulator.

Incidentally, once the full game is done, I'd very much like to see a few different cultural supplements; Japanese being the obvious one since it's mentioned in the blog, but also Chinese and Indian - all three have very distinct martial traditions that are very separate from the European tradition (primarily down to differences in resources available, culture and environment). Not sure how easy Indian martial arts would be to model, between arts like Kalaripayyatu and Shastar Vadya, but it would certainly be interesting to see.
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