[Act 1] [Scene 8] [Poison]

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Re: The Floating City [Scene 8]

Post by Marras »

"Perhaps, Marco. Don't you think it cruel that if she really is a victim and then we begin to question her that maybe she is guilty of poisoning or something? It's you call as this is your investigation my friend.".
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Re: The Floating City [Scene 8]

Post by Korbel »

"I don't know, I'm so confused... I like Francesca, but if it's true that someone is poisoning our father than we must do something and do it quickly! Maybe you could talk to her? Maybe she has seen anything suspicious? Maybe she knows who could add something to the tea for my father? Please, go and ask her. I can't..."
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Re: The Floating City [Scene 8] [Poison]

Post by Marras »

"Very well. I'll go and talk to her, see if I can get anything out of her. Maybe you can go and check out the kitchen? By the way, the tea was just a guess and example, nobody is necessarily poisoning it. If Francesca is part of a plot, we should warn our friends but maybe we leave it until we know more.".

Just when Cirillo is turning to leave for Francesca's room a thought occurs to Cirillo.

"Do you happen to have a crossbow at your family armory? I mean if things spiral down to really bad, that could come in handy."
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Re: The Floating City [Scene 8] [Poison]

Post by thirtythr33 »

This early in the evening Francesca is most likely still in the kitchens cleaning up, along with Eleanora.

The Acerbi family has enough weapons and armor to equip a dozen men, including a couple of crossbows.
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Re: The Floating City [Scene 8] [Poison]

Post by Marras »

Cirillo leaves the crossbow to Marco for now and heads towards the kitchen to find Francesca. On his way he debates between himself how he should proceed with very possibly innocents girl.

"Hello Francesca! How are you today?", Cirillo begins gently. "Is there a bit more private place where we can have a little talk?", he continues.
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Re: The Floating City [Scene 8] [Poison]

Post by thirtythr33 »

When Cirillo gets to the kitchens he finds Francesca and Eleanora cleaning up after dinner. Francesca is putting some plates back away into the cabinets and Eleanora is scrubbing a large pot. When Cirillo enters they both stop what they are doing to give Cirillo their attention.

When Cirillo asks to talk to Francesca privately she nods silently and puts the stack of plates she is holding onto the table. Eleanora comes to her side and asks Cirillo "Is everything okay?"

[Eleanora D'agnolo]
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Re: The Floating City [Scene 8] [Poison]

Post by Marras »

"Everything should be okay, Eleanora. Don't worry.", Cirillo answers.

When Cirillo and Francesca are alone Cirillo begins his questioning.

"How are you doing, Francesca? Are you feeling better?", he begins.

"I'm afraid I have to ask you again about the rape. How did it happen and where it happened?", Cirillo inquiries to see if she stays true to her previous statement.

Then he looks deep to her eyes with a serious expression on his face, "You do know that I am a currently the physician of this household treating the ills of our beloved patron. I have grown very fond of him as well as Marco, his son. There has been a new development and I tend to take these things very seriously as it might threaten the well-being of people who I treat as my friends. Do you understand me?", Cirillo keeps a pause and let this sink to her head.

"Now, think carefully as this is very important. As you work in the kitchen, you might know something about this. Does Claudio has a certain drink or anything else that he takes every day? If so, who makes it to him?", Cirillo asks and looks at Francesca very carefully trying to see any signs of falsehood or nervousness in her bodylanguage or voice.
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Re: The Floating City [Scene 8] [Poison]

Post by thirtythr33 »

When Cirillo asks if she was feeling any better she answers "My face still 'urts pretty bad... and I 'ardly slept... but better... I guess." Her lip has been stitched but is still very swollen, making it difficult for her to talk. She sounds generally sullen and despondent as she did last night. Her left eye is very puffy and bloodshot and the bruising has spread to blacken around both eyes and across the bridge of her nose. The bruising around her neck and upper arms has also become more pronounced. Her second recount of the events of the previous night are consistent with her original telling.

When asked about Claudio's food or drink she stays silent for a moment then replies "Well, as you know I do all the cooking... and I'll take a tray up to Claudio to 'ave in 'is chambers, but sometimes Ellie or Viena 'elp with the chopping or cleaning. 'e's been drinking mostly water since 'e's gotten sick again. Sometimes a fruit juice but no alcohol at all. A lot of the time when I get the plate back 'e 'asn't eaten 'alf of it. 'e does eat the cheese and bread I give 'im most of the time though." With Francesca's wounds covering her facial expressions and muddling her pronunciation, Cirillo can't determine whether or not Francesca is lying. She then adds "But Giacomo came by just a minute ago and said 'e 'ad a new girl to do Claudio's food and other jobs coming in tomorrow... If you think I have done something wrong... I can't lose my job too, not now..."
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Re: The Floating City [Scene 8] [Poison]

Post by Marras »

Cirillo feels bad already and changes his tone to more persuasive.

"I don't know Francesca, I don't know. I think it all depends on how much you can help me. Think hard now as this is very important. Have you seen any vials or bottles in the kitchen or somewhere else in the house that shouldn't be where they are or that are suspicious?"
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Re: The Floating City [Scene 8] [Poison]

Post by thirtythr33 »

"No..." She shakes her head. "Only thing like that I can think of like that is the medicines you and Lucio give to 'im. But those stay with you or in 'is bedchambers."
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Re: The Floating City [Scene 8] [Poison]

Post by Marras »

"Very well. Has anyone approached you and questioned you about this household?", Cirillo tests Francesca.
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Re: The Floating City [Scene 8] [Poison]

Post by thirtythr33 »

"No, I don't think so." She hesitates and then says "I mean, I talk to people at the pub about work sometimes, just like everyone does. But nothing like what your asking."
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Re: The Floating City [Scene 8] [Poison]

Post by Marras »

"Thank you Francesca.", Cirillo answers until making one more question.

"May I ask you who you were with at the pub? Were they your old friends or did you meet some new people? Did someone stand out there that you noticed?"
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Re: The Floating City [Scene 8] [Poison]

Post by thirtythr33 »

"Well my friends Justina and Maria were there. Teodor was too, but 'e left early. There were a couple new people we 'ad a drink with. I mean, that's why I go to the Crossed Keys Tavern; to meet new people. One man was called..." She ponders a moment. "Thomas. And the other was Jacopo... Jacobo? or Jacobino or something, I don't remember. They weren't giving me... unwanted attention. It was just some 'armless flirting."
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Re: The Floating City [Scene 8] [Poison]

Post by Marras »

"Thank you, Francesca. You may return to your duties now, have a nice day.", Cirillo says and leaves to get some rest, too.
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