Punching Hard Objects

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Punching Hard Objects

Post by higgins »

New rule for punching hard objects, such as plate armor, without gauntlets:
New Rule wrote:If your MoS exceeds your character's Stamina, take the difference as a wound level to your hand.
It's almost a reflex to shield-punch your opponent in the face when you get tied up with him. As a sword & shield club, we messed around with longswords on Thursday.

Yes, I got tied up with my opponent.
Yes, I punched him in the head (read: in the helm).
Yes, I was wearing just a leather glove (read: the one that works okay for shield padding).
No, there's no fracture in my thumb according to x-ray.
But it feels like there is. :oops:
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Re: Punching Hard Objects

Post by Marras »


Thumb wounds are nasty. Some years ago I was in a simulated 1 against 4 situation where some opponents were unarmed, one had a (rubber) knife and one wielded wooden club. I was unarmed and alone.

Our instructor had just said that we should up the tempo and the whole scenario went pretty fast and well. Only when I managed to disengage my opponents I noticed that the club must have hit me in the thumb as it hurt like h*ll.

Couple of days later I went to doctor and it didn't have any fractures, either (according to X-ray) but it was sore for a pretty long time.

About that rule. Why do you compare MoS against the Stamina? But yes, hitting a hard object should possibly hurt the hitter as well.
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Re: Punching Hard Objects

Post by higgins »

Yeah, thumb injuries are nasty. I've had a break in that very thumb a decade or so ago and it felt only marginally worse. Sounds like we should found an "X-ray says I'm fine" club.
Marras wrote:Why do you compare MoS against the Stamina?
It is the catch-all attribute for physical ruggedness and it's subtracted from pretty much all the other types of injuries as well.
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Re: Punching Hard Objects

Post by Marras »

True, we should do that :)

OK, if Stamina is that kind of attribute then it makes sense.
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