Heresiarh wrote:We looked at several options, but none of them archived nearly as well. Decent search that goes way back was an absolute must for us.
4chan was pretty good at archiving things on /tg/ but now that it's moe is down I'm not sure where things are saved. I know the threads themselves are preserved for a week after they finally drop off the board.
/tg/ archive is still around at least.
Heresiarh wrote:That ain't a problem at all in these 1vs1 Fechts, as you call them. In play though, undefined items tend to crop up quite a bit. And I completely agree on the DR/TN balance. TFOB was completely broken in that regard, despite the pretty art.
Don't even worry about weapon stats, I think most people were excited to keep those on hand.
Worry about Armor.
Armor and figuring out your carry weight was the longest part of character creation. It got to the point where a lot of people just had pre-made sets that they made themselves as a 'go to'.
There were also a lot of weird combinations that weren't historically accurate but were better purely in a gaming sense. Like wearing a skull cap, an nonrestrictive visor and that one thing that covered your neck and lower face.
Heresiarh wrote:BTW, how does SoSwo handle the restraining issue? Say, with grabs. I'll grab you, so, you'll go all in with a pommel strike without preempting and cave my skull in just after I've successfully grabbed you.
There is no restraining quality, instead certain maneuvers are written to have a similar effect through other means. i.e if you fail to stop a trip or a hook you could lose your weapon and your maneuver, or be forced into prone which essentially eats your entire dice pool.
There are also a lot of instances where you might state an attack and your opponent will state a defense & offense maneuver like Block & Strike/Thrust which then forces the original attacker to quick defend.
Though that can be prevented by just being smart enough to declare a simultaneous offense/defense technique, current ruling allows you to announce your attack dice and then announce your defense dice after your opponent announces their reply.
Grappling has been changed so many times and so has Grab. Originally you would 'restrain' the attack coming at you but only if you grabbed the arm that was making the attack. I think the current version is built around contesting offensives, where each offense is a defense when comparing successes.
Heresiarh wrote:Also, what's this yellow die that you guys miss so much?
Red is offensive, Yellow is Cautious & Blue is Defensive.
In the World of Kung Fu- I mean in Song of Swords if you throw
Red you must make an attack, if you throw
Blue you may not attack(and have to defend as a result, this used to give access to an over powered maneuver called Total Block).
But if you throw
Yellow then you don't have any such restrictions, you simply take initiative from blue and lose it to red. Essentially it is the most adaptive stance to take.
In our Roll20 room we've made cards that we simultaneously turn over to show orientation.