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Re: Welcome! Introduce Yourself!

Posted: 30 Jun 2015, 08:41
by Forknife
Ah now i get it, thanx for explaining. Wouldn't really be a practical weapon though for lugging it around as you'd always have to hold it or plant either of its pointy ends in the dirt, surely dulling its edges ;)

Boar lugs...wait aren't those the things to prevent a skewerd boar to drive itself up the haft of a spear? Guess i'd have to use the sword-end to make goblin-kebab with then, think its haft would fit at least three :lol:

*uses 2-handed Forknife as a spit for roasting Gobbo with garlic and gravy*

Re: Welcome! Introduce Yourself!

Posted: 30 Jun 2015, 09:07
by higgins
Forknife wrote:Boar lugs...wait aren't those the things to prevent a skewerd boar to drive itself up the haft of a spear?
They are. And multiple prongs of the fork/trident would have a pretty similar effect.

Re: Welcome! Introduce Yourself!

Posted: 07 Feb 2016, 15:34
by taelor
Hi. My name's Taelor. I made this account several months ago, and have been lurking on and off since then. Since the beta seems imminent, I figured I should do one of these intro posts. I'm a gamer from Northern California; I recently graduated with a degree in economics, and am currently applying to grad school for statistics. I mostly Burning Wheel and Apocalypse World, though lately I've also been running the early release preview of Blades In The Dark. I'm looking forward to playing Bastards; from what I've seen in the teasers and on these forums, it seems like it hits most of the marks I look for in games.

Re: Welcome! Introduce Yourself!

Posted: 11 Feb 2016, 17:04
by higgins
Welcome to the boards, Taelor. Sorry for the delay in approving you. I've made the moderator panel my front page now, instead of the board index. Hopefully this means I won't be missing any more approvals. :)

Re: Welcome! Introduce Yourself!

Posted: 11 Feb 2016, 17:28
by taelor
Thank you.

Re: Welcome! Introduce Yourself!

Posted: 13 Feb 2016, 12:03
by thirtythr33
Taelor, you wouldn't happen to be a big fan of Adam Koebels would you? He co-wrote Dungeon World (A fantasy hack of Apocalypse World), does a lot of promotion for Burning Wheel and hes currently writing a setting for Blades in the Dark called Womb of Night.

I ask because I'm a pretty big fan and hes got a lot of actual plays you can watch him DM and play a lot of those games and more. You can find the Blades games here, his Burning Wheel and Apocalypse World games here, and the best of all is all this stuff under the Rollplay franchise.

Re: Welcome! Introduce Yourself!

Posted: 13 Feb 2016, 15:05
by taelor
I've never played Dungeon World proper, though I have played a hack of it called Inverse World. I am familiar with Koebels actual plays, though I haven't been following them religiously. I did watch his recent Torchbearer Special.

Re: Welcome! Introduce Yourself!

Posted: 15 Feb 2016, 20:17
by Agamemnon
Welcome aboard Taelor!

I've never cared much for Dungeon World, but I've enjoyed some of Kobel's sessions. He's one of a handful of RPG youtube people I watch actual sessions of.

Re: Welcome! Introduce Yourself!

Posted: 18 Feb 2016, 18:51
by Mrayner225
Hey all,

Friend of one of the two awesome chaps who are making this fantastic system a reality. The name is Matthew and I am the residential Aussie of the American half of the 'Bastard's team. Been meaning to sign up for quite some time now but just haven't gotten around to it. Look forward to getting to know you all, but I'll probably post sparingly what with having a direct IVF to 'Bastards via Skype.

Re: Welcome! Introduce Yourself!

Posted: 18 Feb 2016, 18:53
by Agamemnon
Welcome aboard! You have suspiciously good timing! :D

Re: Welcome! Introduce Yourself!

Posted: 19 Feb 2016, 15:26
by Marras
Agamemnon wrote:Welcome aboard! You have suspiciously good timing! :D
Insider intel? :shock:

Re: Welcome! Introduce Yourself!

Posted: 19 Feb 2016, 15:58
by higgins
Marras wrote:Insider intel? :shock:
Mrayner225 wrote:direct IVF
Well, he implied more inside than intel, or so it seems. :?

Re: Welcome! Introduce Yourself!

Posted: 25 Feb 2016, 03:28
by Agamemnon
higgins wrote:
Marras wrote:Insider intel? :shock:
Mrayner225 wrote:direct IVF
Well, he implied more inside than intel, or so it seems. :?
He's actually part of my weekly game group. Well, weekly in theory. So many cancelations lately! When I recruited him to play D&D, I don't think he realized the mess he was being drug into.

Re: Welcome! Introduce Yourself!

Posted: 07 May 2016, 04:46
by Stuh42l
Hey everybody,

Maybe some of you recognize the user name from years ago on the tros forums and trosfans forums, maybe not. Regardless, I just discovered this game yesterday, and read the whole beta document twice already!

Outstanding work, and I am so excited about the state of this game. This is shaping up to be everything I would want from Riddle done really well. If I can help, let me know.

Re: Welcome! Introduce Yourself!

Posted: 07 May 2016, 05:57
by higgins
It's ever so nice to see old friends crop up in our new forums! Welcome aboard! :)