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Micro teaser

Posted: 09 Apr 2015, 16:55
by higgins
Agamemnon wrote:Maneuvers is now DONE. Good grief, that section.

Re: Micro teaser

Posted: 10 Apr 2015, 01:29
by EinBein
Give it to us! :o

Re: Micro teaser

Posted: 10 Apr 2015, 02:25
by higgins
Now that would be a macro teaser ;)

Re: Micro teaser

Posted: 10 Apr 2015, 11:59
by Agamemnon
EinBein wrote:Give it to us! :o

Re: Micro teaser

Posted: 14 Apr 2015, 15:51
by Marras
So, it was a tough section?

BTW, is there an estimation of how long (in pages) the beta will be?

Re: Micro teaser

Posted: 15 Apr 2015, 02:40
by higgins
Marras wrote:So, it was a tough section?
You mean codifying all the possible combat body movements in a way that their sum would end up being playable? One could say that it was somewhat tough, yes. :)
Marras wrote:BTW, is there an estimation of how long (in pages) the beta will be?
As we review every section that goes into layout, there is no meaningful estimation at this point in time. I mean, I could guess, but... that would just probably end up showing how off my prediction was. :lol:

Re: Micro teaser

Posted: 16 Apr 2015, 16:25
by quinnthomsen
So not today then...


Re: Micro teaser

Posted: 16 Apr 2015, 16:38
by higgins
Alas, no.

If this is any consolation, I posted a brand new riddle game: