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Matt Easton Hacks!

Posted: 04 Sep 2014, 17:14
by Agamemnon
We have a special love of Matt Easton, and his youtube channel Schola Gladiatoria. As we've been developing Band of Bastards, it seems like every time we turn around he's either answering a question we just began to debate, or confirming a decision we have already made. Forget about leaked celebrity images, we have a growing suspicion that Matt's been hacking the 'Bastards google drive, looking for inspiration for his videos.

Exemplary of this phenomenon, he just recently posted a video that goes along with one of our more controversial - and favorite - decisions thus far: the dynamic weapon system set up in the Codex of Arms. In one presentation he basically echoes and reinforces our entire train of thought on the project and the conclusions we drew. If you've got a bit, it's well worth the view.



Re: Matt Easton Hacks!

Posted: 05 Sep 2014, 08:32
by hector
Funnily enough, I immediately thought of this game when I saw this video for the first time.

Re: Matt Easton Hacks!

Posted: 19 Sep 2014, 16:37
by Agamemnon
And now our good friend Nikolas Lloyd (aka Lindybeige) provides further supporting argument for our system.


Lloyd has been a huge help in researching over the years. If there is a man I can turn to for answering ridiculously obscure information, it's Lloyd. And after having watched that video, I feel even better about our choice to have a "build-a-pole-arm" system, rather than try to list every possible permutation of swiss army weapon.

If you haven't already, check out some of his other videos. Awesome guy.

Re: Matt Easton Hacks!

Posted: 03 Oct 2014, 02:20
by higgins
Agamemnon wrote:swiss army weapon
It's funny, really. The poleaxe story is almost like a metaphor for Swiss army knives. :)

A: "Do you have a Climber, Tinker, Huntsman or Cadet?"
B: "It's a freaking Victorinox!" :lol: