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Historical Weapons stats

Posted: 15 Aug 2017, 04:40
by taelor
Stat up historical weapons and post them here. I'll start.

0c/1p, short, r2. (Double Edged, Short)

Polish Saber

1c/-1p, medium, curved, r2. (Single Edged, Medium, Curved)

2c/0p, long, curved, r3. (Single Edged, Long, Curved, Bastard)

1c/-1p, close, curved, grappling, r2. (Single Edged, Close, Blade Heavy, Curved)

Re: Historical Weapons stats

Posted: 15 Aug 2017, 07:47
by thirtythr33
3c/1p Extended 2h Curved Hooks r5 (Blade (Single Edged, Short, Blade Heavy, Curved), Extended, Hooks)

2c/1p Extended 2h Curved r4 (Blade (Single Edged, Short, Curved), Extended)

I'd like to combine an Awl with Throwing to make a Pilum, but it doesn't work. :(

1c/3p Extended 2h Hooks r2 (Spear, Extended, Hooks)

4c/2p Extended 2h Hooks r8 (Blade (Double Edged, Short, Blade Heavy), Axe Head, Axe Head, Extended, Hefty)
Sucks paying for Axe Head twice just to be accurate.

1b/2p Extended 2h Maille Piercing r2 (Awl, Extended)

Re: Historical Weapons stats

Posted: 15 Aug 2017, 08:13
by nemedeus
taelor wrote: Katana
2c/0p, long, curved, r3. (Single Edged, Long, Curved, Bastard)
Weren't most period Katana kinda short?
Wikipedia/Katana wrote:The length of the katana blade varied considerably during the course of its history. In the late 14th and early 15th centuries, katana blades tended to have lengths between 70 and 73 centimetres (27 1⁄2 and 28 3⁄4 in). During the early 16th century, the average length dropped about 10 centimetres (4 in), approaching closer to 60 centimetres (23 1⁄2 in). By the late 16th century, the average length had increased again by about 13 centimetres (5 in), returning to approximately 73 centimetres (28 3⁄4 in).
thirtythr33 wrote:Partisan
4c/2p Extended 2h Hooks r8 (Blade (Double Edged, Short, Blade Heavy), Axe Head, Axe Head, Extended, Hefty)
Sucks paying for Axe Head twice just to be accurate.
I think you might have created a monster.

Re: Historical Weapons stats

Posted: 15 Aug 2017, 08:35
by thirtythr33
That's nothing compared to this monster from 4chan

And how the fuck does 4chan become relevant twice in one post?


Re: Historical Weapons stats

Posted: 15 Aug 2017, 13:26
by Agamemnon
For the record, we don't care one way or another about Weebs, we just decided not to bother with Asian/Japanese-specific stuff. This is both because our default setting is very European in nature and because we've put a ton of time into researching the historical arms and armor from various periods in European history. If we were going to include Japanese specific arms and armors, I'd feel compelled to treat them with the same level of detail/respect and that requires knowledge that I do not have at the moment.

We will eventually wind up doing a splat for it if there is enough interest. I've both got setting/campaign ideas for it, but also some ideas for alternate proficiencies/emphases, and more Japanese-specific armors and weapon codex parts. That's down the line, though.
taelor wrote:Kukri
1c/-1p, close, curved, grappling, r2. (Single Edged, Close, Blade Heavy, Curved)
Eventually, the weapon codex will include Wave (flamberge type blades), Recurve (like Kukris or Kopis), and Sickle (Karambits, scythes, falx). For now, the latter two work well-enough as just Curved.

Re: Historical Weapons stats

Posted: 15 Aug 2017, 18:56
by Siggi
0c/1p Long 1h Basket Hilt r4 (Double Edged, Basket Hilt)

0c/0p Short 1h Folding Grappling r2 (Single Edged, Severe Taper, Folding)
-1c/-1p Hand 1h Folding Grappling r2 (Single Edged, Severe Taper, Folding)

2c/-1p Medium Curved 1h r2 (Single Edged, Blade Heavy, Curved) – these were notoriously cheap weapons with no guard whatsoever, so I dropped price by 1

Sauron's Mace
3b/0b Extended Crushing 2h r4 (Mace, Hefty)

The last one's not really historical... On the other hand, we've seen it in action! )

Have to admit, I still can't get over the concept that all weapons are equally effective at parrying. The weapons in TRoS seemed so cute and somehow alive because of their sets of characteristics, this combination of damage and cutting/thrusting/defense TNs. It turned out eventually that these stats weren't so accurate after all, but they felt cool nonetheless. And while I agree that, as a matter of game design, supplying every single weapon with a list of TNs is probably not a good idea. But I still expect that weapons' defensive properties would be incorporated into the system somehow. Because one thing is facing an enemy with a balanced hilted sword in your hand, and quite another is facing the same enemy with only a mace (or a long dagger) and no shield.

Re: Historical Weapons stats

Posted: 23 Aug 2017, 12:38
by Benedict
Check out this crazy piece. :shock:


Re: Historical Weapons stats

Posted: 23 Aug 2017, 13:44
by higgins
We've been trying to make some sense of the lantern shield for AGES.

These high resolution images are a good find though :)