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The Floating City, looking for players

Posted: 26 Mar 2017, 08:01
by thirtythr33
The Floating City play-by-post game has been running strong for 11 months now, with a total of 1290 posts. We started with 1 DM and 5 players, but over time we have understandably slowly lost players due to changing real life commitments. We are down to 1 DM and 2.5 players, and I would like to open the game up for a few new players to join our currently running game. Modest post rates as low as 2-3 times per week are acceptable, however we like to do combats all in one go over roll20 if possible (text only is fine).

It is a game set in 1527 in and around Venice about politics, skulduggery and war. So far the players have dueled with rapier for justice of a lady's lost honor, laid an ambush for blackmailing thugs and cut off the head of an extortionist gang. They now venture from Venice to hopeful find some clues pertaining to a political poisoning, taking them closer to the frontline of the war in Italy. Still to come are Barnaby Pirates, a revolt in Florence and some dark magic. I should be able to integrate any type of new character easy enough if you are flexible on a Story Aspect or two.

This is part of the original pitch I had for the game when it got started:
A city based campaign seems to fit BoB very well. You get to have a based of operations and access to your contacts and stuff without having to carry it around on your back. People get to wander off and follow their passions instead of always having to be joined at the hip. You don't get to just walk around armed to the teeth all the time, so good planning is rewarded.

I think Venice is a city particularly well suited for daring escapades. Chases down narrow alleys. Leaping out 2nd story windows into the canals. Duels on bridges by moonlight. Dumping bodies in the rivers to be swept out to sea. Lots of merchants looking to cut a deal. Venice is a little strange in that it wasn't run by hereditary nobility, but a circle of powerful merchants who elected their Doge (Duke). Very capitalistic and corrupt but also extremely wealthy. It says a lot about a society when the penalties for theft were more severe than for rape or armed assault.

As for the time period, I like having the Italian Wars going on in the background but not necessarily as a focus of the campaign. The city states and countries in these wars made and broke alliances every other season; something I think would trickle down into the way the merchants of Venice would be conducting their business (pretending to be like the nobles making war is fashionable you know!). It's a time when the Arquebus and pike block were just starting to really come into it's own, but cavalry knights were still a major part of the armies of the time, creating an interesting tension between the old and new ways of warfare. The Renaissance is just starting to really kick into gear in Italy, producing great artists like Michelangelo and thinkers like Leonardo da Vinci. Yet it's still backward enough that a large portion of legal disputes were settled by Honor Duels and Trial by Ordeal.

If you want to know more just ask me, browse the game so far or check out some extra setting info here: ... f=17&t=163

Re: The Floating City, looking for players

Posted: 27 Apr 2017, 10:32
by EinBein
I followed the story so far and am really impressed by the performance of all. I'm mostly available for regular posting, but might get difficulties with roll20 (does it run on a smartphone?).

One problem: I fail to think of a character that would fit into the current mix. Another foreigner would feel a bit out of place imho. Anyways, after Alex and DannyBoy left, it seems that some fighting prowess could be needed? So an Italian/Venetian merc/soldier? A servant of house Acerbi already? With a twist, like being a bastard of Claudio without his brothers knowing? What do you think?

Re: The Floating City, looking for players

Posted: 28 Apr 2017, 00:10
by thirtythr33
Thanks, I'd love to have you join!

Roll20 doesn't work on mobile, but we can make do with the forum roller.

I've got some ideas to connect a new character to the story which should be flexible for any character type. Don't worry about fitting a particular role, I can make challenges for any kind of group. I'll send you a PM with some ideas.

Re: The Floating City, looking for players

Posted: 30 Apr 2017, 23:24
by Agamemnon
Still looking?

Re: The Floating City, looking for players

Posted: 01 May 2017, 00:19
by thirtythr33

Re: The Floating City, looking for players

Posted: 01 May 2017, 00:44
by Agamemnon
I need to catch up on the story -- last I remember was the battle at the warehouse -- but if you want to PM me we can discuss where things are and how you might want me to fit in.

It's going to be interesting to go back and make someone with the old version of the rules, given how much time I've spent in the headspace of the new ones. Exciting!

Re: The Floating City, looking for players

Posted: 01 May 2017, 03:35
by Korbel
Agamemnon wrote:It's going to be interesting to go back and make someone with the old version of the rules, given how much time I've spent in the headspace of the new ones. Exciting!
Rudely interrupting, but what about those new rules? The thing is, Benedict and me wanted to progress with my game, but we've decided to wait for the new draft. But that was some weeks ago. I'd like to know, when can we expect a new release.

Re: The Floating City, looking for players

Posted: 04 May 2017, 23:33
by Agamemnon
The character creation section is about finalized. Henri's swamped with school stuff, but in the next week or two I'll either have him edit the whole thing and fix it or just post the raw version here and wait until thirtythr33 tells me all the ways my draft is wrong :D

Re: The Floating City, looking for players

Posted: 04 May 2017, 23:37
by Benedict
Sweet! :D

Re: The Floating City, looking for players

Posted: 05 May 2017, 03:07
by EinBein
Very cool!

Re: The Floating City, looking for players

Posted: 05 May 2017, 03:09
by Benedict
Hope we get two more vict... er, :? heroes to join us soon. :D

Re: The Floating City, looking for players

Posted: 05 May 2017, 12:08
by thirtythr33
Agamemnon wrote:wait until thirtythr33 tells me all the ways my draft is wrong :D
It would be my pleasure :mrgreen:
Agamemnon wrote:It's going to be interesting to go back and make someone with the old version of the rules, given how much time I've spent in the headspace of the new ones. Exciting!
I was previously assuming that we would be converting characters over as new editions became available in order to do some testing and give better feedback. What is everyone else's opinions on this?

Re: The Floating City, looking for players

Posted: 05 May 2017, 12:19
by Benedict
thirtythr33 wrote:
Agamemnon wrote:wait until thirtythr33 tells me all the ways my draft is wrong :D
It would be my pleasure :mrgreen:
Count me in. :ugeek:
thirtythr33 wrote:
Agamemnon wrote:It's going to be interesting to go back and make someone with the old version of the rules, given how much time I've spent in the headspace of the new ones. Exciting!
I was previously assuming that we would be converting characters over as new editions became available in order to do some testing and give better feedback. What is everyone else's opinions on this?
Yes, it would be nice to fu... play around with the new rules. If Agamemnon and Higgins want to share information at this moment that is. :D

Re: The Floating City, looking for players

Posted: 09 May 2017, 01:48
by DannyBoy
Umm, so hey. I was skimming the Floating City play by post game and saw that Giorgio is somehow still alive. :D

Would it be ok if I were to jump back in after reading everything? I would really like to angrily swing my sword at things :)

Re: The Floating City, looking for players

Posted: 09 May 2017, 01:53
by Benedict
Welcome back! :D

PS Hope you approve on how I handled Giorgio.