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Okay, serious question now

Posted: 17 Jan 2016, 16:20
by higgins
Vote early and often! ;)

Re: Okay, serious question now

Posted: 17 Jan 2016, 16:24
by Korbel
And "sooner" in this case means what? More like a week, or a month earlier?

Re: Okay, serious question now

Posted: 17 Jan 2016, 17:19
by myanbar
I've finally registered specifically to vote for sooner. We've been waiting for a long time.

Re: Okay, serious question now

Posted: 17 Jan 2016, 18:02
by Marras
To me it was bit of a rhetorical question :)

Besides, it takes time to read so in the mean time you can finish the bestiary part! It looks like win-win to me!

Re: Okay, serious question now

Posted: 17 Jan 2016, 19:37
by Agamemnon
So would this be a bad time to suggest a total re-write? (maybe on a d6 system!)

Re: Okay, serious question now

Posted: 17 Jan 2016, 19:49
by hector
Sounds like a fantastic idea. You should totally do that.

Re: Okay, serious question now

Posted: 17 Jan 2016, 19:59
by Agamemnon
hector wrote:Sounds like a fantastic idea. You should totally do that.
See? Hector agreed. Now higgins can't get mad.

Re: Okay, serious question now

Posted: 17 Jan 2016, 22:04
by thirtythr33
I voted sooner. Reasons:

1) I WANT IT NOW *ahem*
2) Bestiary isn't required for everyone's campaigns. Enemies are often setting specific. In human centric political intrigue campaigns, a bestiary might not be needed at all.
3) Once we see the rules we can give feedback on what kinds of enemies aren't obvious how to make ourselves and need to be statted out as examples. (Giant Spiders, Vampires etc)
4) Getting a beta out could help boost your following. More people with a beta to look at helps us give more feedback. Feedback which can be taken on board earlier in the creation process making it easier for you to make any necessary revisions.

Re: Okay, serious question now

Posted: 18 Jan 2016, 02:27
by Agamemnon
thirtythr33 wrote: 2) Bestiary isn't required for everyone's campaigns. Enemies are often setting specific. In human centric political intrigue campaigns, a bestiary might not be needed at all.
Well, for our purposes Bestiary also included things like dogs and horses, so you never quite know what will come up. I have a suspicion that the group verdict is going to be "release as soon as possible" though.

Re: Okay, serious question now

Posted: 18 Jan 2016, 02:33
by EinBein
I'm actually torn between the two. It's a pretty tough choice. But in order to be able to read through the first couple of pages, I tend to "sooner" more than "later". Thanks for asking us!

Re: Okay, serious question now

Posted: 18 Jan 2016, 04:31
by Korbel
I see it's gonna be a Grand Heresy, but I vote for dogs, horses and a freaking seven-headed fire-breathing spellcasting Hydradragon (might be useful) in the Beta!

Re: Okay, serious question now

Posted: 18 Jan 2016, 05:07
by thirtythr33
My ideal scenario would be sooner, but with an absolute bare bones bestiary, just enough to see how non humans work. Stats and rules for Dog, Horse, Kraken and Dragon (and no fluff) would be enough for me.

Re: Okay, serious question now

Posted: 18 Jan 2016, 10:54
by higgins
Korbel wrote:And "sooner" in this case means what? More like a week, or a month earlier?
It's hard to say how much earlier, but dropping the development of bestiary allows us to focus almost entirely on auditing, proofreading and formatting without the need to generate (and test!) new content.

Re: Okay, serious question now

Posted: 18 Jan 2016, 19:34
by Mozusuke
I surprised myself by voting for bestiary.
Previously I have found that I can exercise and thus test rulesets better with a couple of sample beasts over and above standard guards etc. You get a better insight into the breadth of options and routes through the rules. So I would vote for an initially populated taster of a bestiary (not a fully completed one)