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Re: The Storm

Posted: 31 Aug 2016, 11:33
by Marras
Hans doesn't say much, just looks around and tries to entertain Otto with small magic tricks like walking a coin on his hand.

Re: The Storm

Posted: 01 Sep 2016, 00:43
by Stempest
"It's, um, a long story. This fellow *motions to Hans* and I were attacked by a mob. I think they might be something to do with that preacher. They nearly killed Gunther too. I think they are after anyone that is not one of them, so I want to get you somewhere safe. Please, grab Otto and come with us."

Karl will also lean in and whisper something to Hilde.

Re: The Storm

Posted: 03 Sep 2016, 08:58
by Korbel
Hilde is too terrified and surprised to argue. She grabs Otto and wraps him in a blanket. The boy is feverish, but he smiles for a moment when Hans shows some magic tricks.
- Where do we go? - asks Hilde.

Re: The Storm

Posted: 03 Sep 2016, 13:22
by Marras
Hans continues his tricks smiling widely at Otto. He answers Hilde's question in a low voice and serious tone.

"Your son seems ill. If you don't have medicine for that, I suggest we get back to the village and find a herbalist or at least herbalist's hut to get something that helps Otto. That is, if you know what to look for at herbalist's place. I can get us in but we must move quickly as the storm is coming and we don't want to get caught outside in that weather, especially for Otto."

Hans let's his response sink in and just continues his tricks while waiting for others to speak.

Re: The Storm

Posted: 03 Sep 2016, 13:39
by Korbel
- I don't know much about herbs... I was hoping Karl will bring the wise-woman here and she will give us the remedy for Otto - Hilde smiles when she sees her boy forgot about his sickness for a while, being entertained by Hans - Have you seen her? If we can't find her, I'm afraid our last hope is sir Erich's medic or Erich himself... they say he is a great herbalist, b- but he will never help us... Oh my God, we're lost, I don't know that to do - she ends almost crying.

Re: The Storm

Posted: 03 Sep 2016, 16:54
by Marras
A glint flickers momentarily at Hans's eyes in the mention of lord Erich then almost as brief look of internal struggle that he tries to hide with concerned look.

"That's not good to hear. Maybe we can maximize the possibility of getting help by first visiting the herbalist and if she's not at home we can continue our trip to the manor. But it's a gamble with a crew like this.".

Hans looks at Karl almost sadly and continues "It's your family Karl, I guess it's your call."

Re: The Storm

Posted: 03 Sep 2016, 18:26
by Stempest
"I think we must try our luck with the herbalist first. I cannot see that Sir Erich would have any interest in helping us."

Re: The Storm

Posted: 04 Sep 2016, 04:44
by Marras
"Okay, let's get prepared and start towards the herbalist's house. Karl, you know the village, maybe you should lead the way and I'll take the rear. If we don't get lucky at the herbalist's we will figure out a way to persuade the good lord to help Otto."

Re: The Storm

Posted: 04 Sep 2016, 07:34
by Stempest
Karl will take the lead, keeping Hilde and Otto right behind him. He will head towards the herbalist's.

Re: The Storm

Posted: 04 Sep 2016, 10:05
by Korbel
It's getting windy.
Karl, Hilde with Otto and Hans are sneaking through the village. They arrive where the woman they're looking for lives, but she's nowhere to be found and the hut is closed.

Meanwhile, father Georgius has gathered people in front of the church.
"Today we fulfill God's Will! Look at all the signs: the Black Death, schisms in our church, wars and famine... Our Lord has started his Purge and we must continue his work. In death we are all equal!"
Georgius starts to cense the people with a strange, greenish smoke. He is being assisted by two guards from sir Erich's manor. In the mob one cannot see the smith or the wise-woman.
"Find and kill everyone in this village, and tomorrow we go west to bring our God's will to other villages!"

A thunder strucks nearby and the rain begins to fall.

Re: The Storm

Posted: 05 Sep 2016, 08:44
by Marras
"What a lunatic!", Hans thinks about the priest. "Let's not get caught by that mob, I don't want the fate they are offering.", he says and makes the sign of the cross.

"Let's get inside.", Hans says and tries the door.

Re: The Storm

Posted: 05 Sep 2016, 09:49
by Korbel
The hut inside is in mess. The chair is overturned and lying on the floor between some plants and herbs. There's no one here.

Re: The Storm

Posted: 05 Sep 2016, 16:09
by Marras
Hans makes a show looking for wise-woman and possible leads what has happened here while palming anything of value high enough to warrant the risk of causing a strain with Karl.

"It seems they got her before us or she just left in a hurry. Maybe I can find some clues what happened here. In any case it seems like our next stop is the manor. At least two of the guards won't be at their post, which makes our job that much easier. You don't happen know how many guards the lord has in his employ, do you?", Hans talks quietly to further distract others.

Re: The Storm

Posted: 06 Sep 2016, 07:29
by Stempest
Karl appears frustrated.

"Why do you insist on going to Sir Erich's manor? There will be guards there, and it's obvious that at least some of them have aligned with Father Georgius. And it's not as if we can defend such a place, just the two of us."

Re: The Storm

Posted: 06 Sep 2016, 08:40
by Marras
"It was your wife who said that there should be a physician in the mansion and failing that lord Eirich himself knows quite a bit of herbs!", Hans snaps.

"You are welcome to just wander aimlessly out there and hope that you find the herbalist who is quite definitely not here or come up with a better plan!", Hans seethes in anger as he sees how Karl can make things more difficult for Hans's chances to get a tidy nest egg from that mansion but also that Otto can get worse without herbs.