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Re: Teaser 11: Short and Sweet

Posted: 17 Jan 2016, 05:05
by thirtythr33
Presumably, you just didn't paste the section for Strength and didn't actually remove it from the game.

Re: Teaser 11: Short and Sweet

Posted: 17 Jan 2016, 05:43
by higgins
Strength was the first, significantly longer section as it involved rules for lifting stuff and other things. I've edited the short version into Agamemnon's post.

Re: Teaser 11: Short and Sweet

Posted: 17 Jan 2016, 07:28
by Korbel
Band of Bastards Beta 0.1 wrote:Speed (Sp) (...) plays a role in combat as well.
What role? :)

Re: Teaser 11: Short and Sweet

Posted: 17 Jan 2016, 11:38
by higgins
Mainly in pre-empting and resolving simultaneous attacks.

Re: Teaser 11: Short and Sweet

Posted: 17 Jan 2016, 11:57
by EinBein
All this everlasting teasing... I'm getting mad if this carries on for too long!

Re: Teaser 11: Short and Sweet

Posted: 17 Jan 2016, 16:11
by higgins
We're auditing the weapon codices as I type this.

Re: Teaser 11: Short and Sweet

Posted: 17 Jan 2016, 17:56
by Marras
Good news!

Re: Teaser 11: Short and Sweet

Posted: 12 Feb 2016, 09:00
by nemedeus
Question: What exactly is the Blood valve thing?

Another thing: Am i the only one who feels like the Wounds and Proficiencies are flipped? As in, Proficiencies should be on top, Wounds below.

Re: Teaser 11: Short and Sweet

Posted: 12 Feb 2016, 11:15
by EinBein
nemedeus wrote:Question: What exactly is the Blood valve thing?
Guess you mean the tracking bar on top of page 2? It's for tracking blood loss during combat.
nemedeus wrote:Another thing: Am i the only one who feels like the Wounds and Proficiencies are flipped? As in, Proficiencies should be on top, Wounds below.
Wounds table is close to the other wound effect tracking bars like TN and Blood. So it makes sense in a way to have it as in.

Re: Teaser 11: Short and Sweet

Posted: 15 Feb 2016, 08:41
by nemedeus
EinBein wrote:
nemedeus wrote:Another thing: Am i the only one who feels like the Wounds and Proficiencies are flipped? As in, Proficiencies should be on top, Wounds below.
Wounds table is close to the other wound effect tracking bars like TN and Blood. So it makes sense in a way to have it as in.
Oh. I guess I can see that. I thought because of the target wheel...

Re: Teaser 11: Short and Sweet

Posted: 19 Feb 2016, 15:11
by EinBein
higgins wrote:
EinBein wrote:Besides: I would offer to translate it to German if you like :geek:
Duly noted, but remind us of this when we have the print out! :twisted:
Is it too early to remind? Six days before character creation will be released?

The problem with German is, that many terms will be longer. Story Aspects for example is a difficult one. Especially considering the narrow space it is written in...

Re: Teaser 11: Short and Sweet

Posted: 19 Feb 2016, 17:15
by nemedeus
As a german myself, I'd say liberal translation style is paramount.

I couldn't recommend Translating Story Aspects as anything else than "Aspekte".

Re: Teaser 11: Short and Sweet

Posted: 19 Feb 2016, 18:13
by higgins
EinBein wrote:Is it too early to remind?
Probably. I mean, we're not even sure how much of the text and rules will actually make it to the full release at this point. I kinda hope a lot, but one never knows what can break.
nemedeus wrote:I couldn't recommend Translating Story Aspects as anything else than "Aspekte".
Plotaspekte (PA)? :)


Re: Teaser 11: Short and Sweet

Posted: 20 Feb 2016, 06:32
by nemedeus
higgins wrote:
nemedeus wrote:I couldn't recommend Translating Story Aspects as anything else than "Aspekte".
Plotaspekte (PA)? :)
I don't think "plot" is an originally german word. But don't take my word for it.

What i mean is, Plot is a loanword from the english language i think. The german word would be "Handlung".

Re: Teaser 11: Short and Sweet

Posted: 20 Feb 2016, 15:32
by EinBein
Yeah, that's it. "Plot" and "story" are both used regularly in German, but both sound off, as they are just taken from another language and wouldn't support immersion very well. Anyways, I'm sure we'll find a workaround in time that supports authenticity and in-game language.