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Re: Looking forward to beta

Posted: 18 Feb 2016, 04:52
by thirtythr33
Oh god please.

I would actually love a chapter by chapter release, perhaps a week between each, so we can all do a read along and discuss things as we go.

Re: Looking forward to beta

Posted: 18 Feb 2016, 05:14
by Marras
It would have been great to have the beta for the next week as I am having a vacation then (so, quite a lot of time to read it). But it's not good to rush these things, it always bites you back in the end.

Re: Looking forward to beta

Posted: 18 Feb 2016, 05:22
by hector
I get the feeling that the chapters probably wouldn't make much sense taken individually. Probably best to wait for it to all be done ;).

Re: Looking forward to beta

Posted: 18 Feb 2016, 05:57
by nemedeus
PsiPhire wrote:So... any chance you will release the completed chapters as a "teaser" while we wait for you to finish editing the rest? :D
But... that would be like eating noodles and sauce on separate occasions.
thirtythr33 wrote:I would actually love a chapter by chapter release, perhaps a week between each, so we can all do a read along and discuss things as we go.
Actually, nevermind. I like this idea.
But it also would be a lot of extra effort to organize, that's guaranteed.

Re: Looking forward to beta

Posted: 18 Feb 2016, 06:47
by higgins
thirtythr33 wrote:I would actually love a chapter by chapter release, perhaps a week between each, so we can all do a read along and discuss things as we go.
Well, we could do that anyway, regardless of how we decide to publish. A thread per chapter sounds like a good approach, especially before we dig deeper into the details.

Anyway, I've taken a couple of vacation days this month to work on the game. Agamemnon doesn't have access to that kind of luxury, but we're coordinating to make the most of it.

Re: Looking forward to beta

Posted: 18 Feb 2016, 22:40
by Agamemnon
higgins wrote:
thirtythr33 wrote:I would actually love a chapter by chapter release, perhaps a week between each, so we can all do a read along and discuss things as we go.
Well, we could do that anyway, regardless of how we decide to publish. A thread per chapter sounds like a good approach, especially before we dig deeper into the details.

Anyway, I've taken a couple of vacation days this month to work on the game. Agamemnon doesn't have access to that kind of luxury, but we're coordinating to make the most of it.
Not a bad idea... :D

Re: Looking forward to beta

Posted: 23 Feb 2016, 03:06
by Agamemnon
2am. Incorporated Beta feedback. Reorganized a chapter for flow. Double-checked revisions. Looks Thursday will give you plenty to chew on - about 90 pages total, at the moment.

Re: Looking forward to beta

Posted: 23 Feb 2016, 03:40
by Marras
Looking forward to that!

Re: Looking forward to beta

Posted: 23 Feb 2016, 03:43
by EinBein

Re: Looking forward to beta

Posted: 23 Feb 2016, 04:03
by nemedeus
Can't wait to make a BoB-converted Carbon Copy of Burning Wheel's Character Burner, hahahaha!

Re: Looking forward to beta

Posted: 23 Feb 2016, 04:10
by taelor
That would certainly be interesting...

Re: Looking forward to beta

Posted: 23 Feb 2016, 04:27
by nemedeus
One probably wouldn't even have to change all that much, honestly.
Dice pools in BW mostly go from 1 to 10, which apperently is quite the same in Bastards.
The only real difference is the number of Skills and the Points for Stats.

BW is, by the way, how to do long skill lists right.
The Dark Eye also has a long skill list, but most of them are pointless because you only get 1 to 3 points in them at start and then there's no incentive to ever improve them. Due to the way Skill checks are set up* in that game, your chances to even succeed with a skill less than... about 10 i guess, are abyssimal.

*8 Base Attributes in a range of 10 to, at start, ~17.
Every skill has a combination of 3 of these (sometimes the same attribute twice) which then are rolled under with D20s in order.
If you roll over an attribute, you lose the difference from your skill value (this is called "compensation").
The leftover skill value is the result, and there are no MoFailure in this system - only MoSuccess.

As you can see, it's quite easy to lose all of your 3 points in a single roll - like rolling a 19 vs an attribute of 15, which is high (and you have to do 3(!) of these rolls!).

The worst part: rolling two 20ies is interpretated as a fumble (three 20ties would be a "critical fumble"). So if you already lost all your skill points in the first roll, most GMs will force you to do the other rolls, because you could still roll a fumble!

And, as we were talking about rules exceptions... here's the kicker: When elves do magic, they can replace one of the stats in the roll with another one ('Cleverness' with 'Intuition', to be exact - but only once, so if a spell has two times cleverness in the checked stats, you can only replace one. Yes, that means every spell has its own combinations of stats).

It is honestly the most idiotic way to roll dice that i know of.

TDE is also the least "designed" and most "arbitrarily determined" system - i don't know a single rule that really looks like it was really built by the same person as any other rule, everything seems to be decided ad hoc and not intended to work together.

Now of course i'm talking about the 4th edition.
Cue the 5th, which simplified many of the more obscure rules - to the point where the rules' RESULTS don't make sense anymore, moreso than with the complicated ones.
The authors of TDE are incompetent fools.


Re: Looking forward to beta

Posted: 25 Feb 2016, 08:22
by higgins
Edits done and submitted up to and including Chapter 8! I hope Agamemnon is resting well. :twisted:

Re: Looking forward to beta

Posted: 03 Mar 2016, 16:14
by hector
So how's part 3 coming along?

Re: Looking forward to beta

Posted: 03 Mar 2016, 17:41
by higgins
Still discussing some edits from last week. I've made the new chapter edits which I JUST gave back to Agamemnon. Now it looks like we're shy of couple examples. :?

I'll better go tackle that.