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Re: The Floating City [OOC] [TWO]

Posted: 30 Mar 2017, 09:20
by thirtythr33
There are many farmsteads and villages and you have seen other smaller boats tied up to pile moorings. You didn't pass any docks in the last hour.

With a galley that big, they might not want to risk getting beached by going into the shallows for a mooring. In that case, they would use a small rowboat to embark and disembark.

Re: The Floating City [OOC] [TWO]

Posted: 05 Apr 2017, 08:19
by thirtythr33
Are you guys waiting for me to post, or is Ferran going to discuss the plan?

Re: The Floating City [OOC] [TWO]

Posted: 05 Apr 2017, 09:39
by Korbel
thirtythr33 wrote:Are you guys waiting for me to post, or is Ferran going to discuss the plan?
Yeah I was expecting Ferran will respond (probably agreeing with Marco) and then we carry out this plan.

Re: The Floating City [OOC] [TWO]

Posted: 05 Apr 2017, 10:34
by Benedict
Sorry for the mega-late response. Posting asap.

Re: The Floating City [OOC] [TWO]

Posted: 07 Apr 2017, 09:53
by Korbel
Is our boat big enough to take another person?

Re: The Floating City [OOC] [TWO]

Posted: 07 Apr 2017, 10:20
by thirtythr33

Re: The Floating City [OOC] [TWO]

Posted: 08 Apr 2017, 07:55
by Korbel
OK, I don't think we need more of this talking (it wasn't very constructive anyway), so let's just proceed with the action. We will follow them keeping our safe distance. And then we'll see. I guess it would be beneficial for our cover to have some actual fish on the boat, but it's not really possible to catch them while moving relatively fast, is it? I hope they won't check us.

Re: The Floating City [OOC] [TWO]

Posted: 08 Apr 2017, 11:25
by Benedict
Well, Ferran has a spyglass, no need to be that close to them. As I said earlier, Ferran wants to understand the river's current to make the most out of it in case a speedy retreat is required. Not only that, he keeps checking his map for possible good hiding spots. Do I roll or you'll do it in secret for me?

Re: The Floating City [OOC] [TWO]

Posted: 10 Apr 2017, 08:30
by thirtythr33
No roll required yet, I'll let you know when. The galley is downstream from you and the river is wide and slow, slightly faster in the middle. There are some places at the shore you could hide your boat in the dark, but no branching rivers to use as an escape route.

Also, just letting you guys know I probably won't be able to post in the next 2 days.

Re: The Floating City [OOC] [TWO]

Posted: 11 Apr 2017, 08:27
by Benedict
thirtythr33 wrote:Also, just letting you guys know I probably won't be able to post in the next 2 days.
Fine by me. Just a heads up. I'll be away Friday to Monday due to holidays. We can always resume by Tuesday if nothing else pops up before that.

Re: The Floating City [OOC] [TWO]

Posted: 14 Apr 2017, 10:06
by Benedict
General lighting conditions? Is the sky clear or overcast? The moon is up or not? Etc etc.

Will post in game thread, just wanting to be certain about certain things. :)

Re: The Floating City [OOC] [TWO]

Posted: 14 Apr 2017, 10:10
by thirtythr33
It is still twilight right now, but it will be properly dark in the next half hour.
Half moon and some clouds with a firm breeze. Moonlight comes and goes every few minutes.
The sound of the river is loud enough to cover quiet talking, but a shout will still easily carry.

Re: The Floating City [OOC] [TWO]

Posted: 14 Apr 2017, 10:35
by Korbel
Benedict wrote:We wait till night settles and we set off to board them?"
Was that supposed to be a question? Because I'm not sure. First Ferran makes statements and than asks :D

Re: The Floating City [OOC] [TWO]

Posted: 14 Apr 2017, 10:42
by Benedict
Korbel wrote:
Benedict wrote:We wait till night settles and we set off to board them?"
Was that supposed to be a question? Because I'm not sure. First Ferran makes statements and than asks :D
He asks Giorgio. Because the burly merc might want to go now. ;)

Re: The Floating City [OOC] [TWO]

Posted: 23 Apr 2017, 02:06
by thirtythr33
So, what's up?