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Re: The Floating City [OOC] [TWO]

Posted: 25 Mar 2017, 21:41
by thirtythr33
Is Cirillo traveling to Mirandola or staying in Venice?

Re: The Floating City [OOC] [TWO]

Posted: 26 Mar 2017, 09:15
by Marras
My initial thought was that it would be less complex if he just stayed at the Venice as I can't commit to playing at the moment. If others need him, he is of course willing to travel.

Re: The Floating City [OOC] [TWO]

Posted: 28 Mar 2017, 08:25
by Korbel
Benedict wrote:"For now senor my name is Antonio, a Venetian boatman and fisherman. At least until we put these folk behind."
And the "make up a name for himself" has fired! Hihihi.

Hey 33, can I have two kinds of sling with me? Long and short.

Re: The Floating City [OOC] [TWO]

Posted: 28 Mar 2017, 08:26
by thirtythr33

Re: The Floating City [OOC] [TWO]

Posted: 28 Mar 2017, 15:19
by Benedict
Ferran has Curious (minor) and SA Ladies in distress. Still going after that war barge the two of us is suicidal. :?

Re: The Floating City [OOC] [TWO]

Posted: 28 Mar 2017, 23:46
by thirtythr33
Benedict wrote:Ferran has Curious (minor) and SA Ladies in distress.
What a coincidence! :lol:

I will be a merciful DM and not temp your Flaw. Korbel still has the option to though...
Benedict wrote:Still going after that war barge the two of us is suicidal.
You brought Giorgio with you, didn't you?

Plus, I'll just point out something minor you might have missed. Since it is almost dark, they will also have to anchor their galley for the night nearby.

Re: The Floating City [OOC] [TWO]

Posted: 29 Mar 2017, 10:15
by Benedict
Oh, yes. We are three, aren't we? And it is dusk, ain't it? Careless me. Guess a boarding is in order. :twisted:

Before boarding Ferran will :
  • check the river current to find the fastest getaway route from the ship
  • swim to the back of the ship to sabotage the rudder
Please call any rolls appropriate.

Meanwhile I'll edit my latest post accordingly.

Re: The Floating City [OOC] [TWO]

Posted: 29 Mar 2017, 15:28
by Benedict
Ferran wrote:Besides, I am not suggesting to fight the entire crew to save a stranger. But I'll be damned if I let a girl to these heathen brutes.

What I'm thinking is this: first I swim up to the back of the ship and ruin their rudder. Then two of us sneak on board and get that woman out of there with as minimal fuss as possible."
Not only that, but he is really curious to find what is going on. :D

Re: The Floating City [OOC] [TWO]

Posted: 29 Mar 2017, 15:48
by Benedict
Korbel wrote:- No.
I expected a bit more RP than a plain "No". :lol:

So, how we resolve this? Shall we wait for thirtythr33?

Re: The Floating City [OOC] [TWO]

Posted: 29 Mar 2017, 15:55
by Korbel
Benedict wrote:I expected a bit more RP than a plain "No". :lol:
Because you know, less is more. This is an intended effect. Marco just says "no" :D
Benedict wrote:So, how we resolve this? Shall we wait for thirtythr33?
I don't know. Well Marco won't stop Ferran with force, but he doesn't agree and won't take part in this.

Re: The Floating City [OOC] [TWO]

Posted: 29 Mar 2017, 15:57
by Benedict
Well, Giorgio is with us. I'll edit the latest post accordingly to include him in this and we leave it to thirtythr33. :D

Re: The Floating City [OOC] [TWO]

Posted: 30 Mar 2017, 08:42
by thirtythr33
For player disagreements, the first method to try to solve it is roleplaying it out, or discussing it out of character.

If Ferran is not happy for Marco to not help him and no deal or compromise can be made, then it has to come down to a Manipulation roll.
Marco has 2 Soc + 1 SA and Ferran has 3 Soc + 2 Skill + 1 SA. Ferran would have disadvantage (he is asking Marco to risk his life afterall), but Ferran is the aggressor (so he wins on ties).

If Ferran beats Marco, then Marco must do one of the following:
  • Marco is convinced by Ferran's argument and will help him
  • Marco still doesn't like what is happening, but will begrudgingly help Ferran against his own best judgement. He may be angry afterwards.
  • Escalate the disagreement (perhaps by stopping Ferran physically, or shouting to the galley etc)
Ferran would have similar choices if Marco beats him, but would also generate a complication. (I don't think its fair that Marco would generate a complication on a failed defense).

As for Giorgio... well, he has the SA "Stick up for little guy" so he definitely want to help if it can be done in a non-suicidal way.

Re: The Floating City [OOC] [TWO]

Posted: 30 Mar 2017, 09:05
by Korbel
How hard will it be to approach them unnoticed? I suppose we'd do this after sunset, but still it's gonna pretty tricky, right?

Re: The Floating City [OOC] [TWO]

Posted: 30 Mar 2017, 09:09
by thirtythr33
Your Stealth rolls vs Passive Perception (p32).
You would get Advantage for it being night and would be able to share successes if you can describe it in the narrative.

Re: The Floating City [OOC] [TWO]

Posted: 30 Mar 2017, 09:11
by Korbel
Are there ports / cities somewhere nearby? Where they could stop for the night, like Giorgio says? Or is it more like camping in the wilderness for them?