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Re: The Floating City [OOC] [TWO]

Posted: 04 Mar 2017, 10:43
by thirtythr33
Sounds great. Feel free to introduce it how you like.

Re: The Floating City [OOC] [TWO]

Posted: 04 Mar 2017, 11:59
by Benedict
Posted accordingly, and was intentionaly vague on names and such, should you want to add things of your own by introducing this new character.

Re: The Floating City [OOC] [TWO]

Posted: 04 Mar 2017, 12:08
by thirtythr33
I can work around whatever name and/or rumors you heard from your teacher.

Re: The Floating City [OOC] [TWO]

Posted: 04 Mar 2017, 12:13
by Benedict
Ok, I will have them swear that they will keep it a secret, and reveal specifics accordingly.

Re: The Floating City [OOC] [TWO]

Posted: 09 Mar 2017, 04:11
by thirtythr33
So it's clear what happened here; Benedict spent 1 SA to "introduce an element" to have a flashback where he was given the silver trinket to identify him to Giovanni.

It might be worth considering giving Ferran an SA somehow related to these recent revelations; it would finally solidly tie him into the roots of this story.

Also, would you guys prefer I change my formatting to match the one you have been using in The Storm and here recently?

Re: The Floating City [OOC] [TWO]

Posted: 09 Mar 2017, 05:59
by Benedict
thirtythr33 wrote:It might be worth considering giving Ferran an SA somehow related to these recent revelations; it would finally solidly tie him into the roots of this story.
I'm writing a new SA for Ferran, haven't pieced it together yet tho. :)
thirtythr33 wrote:Also, would you guys prefer I change my formatting to match the one you have been using in The Storm and here recently?
Whatever you prefer, I'm cool with everything. :)

Re: The Floating City [OOC] [TWO]

Posted: 09 Mar 2017, 07:15
by Marras
Sorry for my absence. Life is a bit hectic at the moment :(

Cirillo has been slumming occasionally and have met quite a motley crew of people especially in illegal gambling dens (run by Rocco and others). So, here's my roll:

Soc 2 + Streetwise 4 + SA 1 = 7

Roll: [dice seed=8246 secure=4c958212_0]7d10[/dice]

Explosion: [dice seed=62229 secure=0cbb1ae7_1]1d10[/dice]

Re: The Floating City [OOC] [TWO]

Posted: 09 Mar 2017, 08:09
by Marras
In case 5 successes is enough, then I suggest this leads to same source as Ferran's roll. Hopefully just speeding up our search for the man. His story is jut too cool to dilute with another NPC.

Re: The Floating City [OOC] [TWO]

Posted: 09 Mar 2017, 09:12
by Korbel
thirtythr33 wrote:Also, would you guys prefer I change my formatting to match the one you have been using in The Storm and here recently?
I naturally gravitate towards using dashes, it seems.

Re: The Floating City [OOC] [TWO]

Posted: 10 Mar 2017, 23:56
by thirtythr33
Marras wrote:I suggest this leads to same source as Ferran's roll. Hopefully just speeding up our search for the man. His story is jut too cool to dilute with another NPC.
I agree. Feel free to chime in with rumors Cirillo has heard about this man if you wish.
Ferran wrote:I'd say that's a three days travel on foot, or one day if we ride hard from dawn till nightfall.
Travel options:
Quick boat trip to mainland (~1hr) and then ~150km over land. Reasonably flat and many roads.
By boat for ~200km (via the Island of the Damsel (Isola della Donzella) and up the Po river) and then ~30km over land.
(Po river is large enough for any kind of vessel)

Also, from Mirandola to Florence is ~140km by land.
And from Venice to Florence directly is ~240km by land or ~200km by water (via Canale della Botte) and ~120km by land.

Modes of transport:
On foot, significant baggage ~3km/hr
On foot with no baggage ~5km/hr
Running marathon ~10km/hr (sustainable only by someone very athletic)
World record marathon ~20km/hr (requires rest after ~2hrs)

Horse with baggage or rider ~10km/hr (need separate horses for baggage and riders)
Hard riding horse speed ~20km/hr (requires changing horses each ~40km)
Emergency riding horse speed ~40km/hr (requires changing horses each ~15km)

Small boat ~7.5km/hr
Large sailing vessel ~10km/hr
War ship, rowed by 100 men ~15km/hr

Believe it or not, having horses barely increases travel time over running, unless you have fresh horses waiting for you along the way. Here's some interesting reading if you are interested:

This sweet website recons it should take no less than 4 days though.
It takes a long way around (inland to Verona first), presumable because it doesn't think there were any good ways to cross the rivers.
We will just assume it is easy enough to pay a random peasant to ferry you across wherever you need.

So, you could make it in 3 x10hr days on foot. I think on a horse you would normally you would take 2 days at a casual speed. That means you don't risk the horses health, you have some time to stop for meals, you don't have to ride in the dark and you can take little bit of baggage (your armor would definitely be a good idea). A single 15hr ride pushing it to the limits seems possible but risky (ie, you will be rolling dice for possible complications). Alternately you can go 1.5 days by boat and 6hr walk to arrive in 2 days.

Re: The Floating City [OOC] [TWO]

Posted: 11 Mar 2017, 09:14
by Korbel
thirtythr33 wrote:That means you don't risk the horses health, you have some time to stop for meals, you don't have to ride in the dark and you can take little bit of baggage (your armor would definitely be a good idea).
That sounds good, right? Though my character is not really good at riding horses. He's actually better at sprinting and swimming, so the boat+walk solution might serve him better.
BTW, looks like we're going for a quest regarding the poisoning. Can I transfer one point from "Thou shall not kill" to "Who has poisoned my father?"?. That's my only single point left, after spending 10 to buy off my Flaw. I was unsure where it should stay, now it looks like this poisoning case is the best bet. It was not firing yet (after this buying off).
How much is "little baggage"? If Marco was forced to travel light, I believe he'd take: gambeson, rapier, cinquedea, sling, money, water, a proper cloak. I think that would be light enough to travel on a single horse.

Re: The Floating City [OOC] [TWO]

Posted: 11 Mar 2017, 10:24
by thirtythr33
Korbel wrote:BTW, looks like we're going for a quest regarding the poisoning. Can I transfer one point from "Thou shall not kill" to "Who has poisoned my father?"?. That's my only single point left, after spending 10 to buy off my Flaw. I was unsure where it should stay, now it looks like this poisoning case is the best bet. It was not firing yet (after this buying off).
Okay, that's fine.
Korbel wrote:How much is "little baggage"? If Marco was forced to travel light, I believe he'd take: gambeson, rapier, cinquedea, sling, money, water, a proper cloak. I think that would be light enough to travel on a single horse.
That would be okay. Plus you would probably take a meal of precooked food, a flint and tinder (just in case) and possibly documents of some description. Documents might be promissory bank notes or identity documents, depending how you feel about carrying silver and if you think it might be beneficial to claim being a representative of Venice.

A good rule of thumb would be whether you could carry it all in your pockets and on your belt. If you would need a backpack, you are encumbering yourself or the horse.

Re: The Floating City [OOC] [TWO]

Posted: 11 Mar 2017, 11:52
by Korbel
thirtythr33 wrote:Plus you would probably take a meal of precooked food
I thought we would just eat where we stop for sleeping (some kind of inn or something).
thirtythr33 wrote:depending how you feel about carrying silver
If we have to deal with peasants (when crossing rivers f.e.), it's better to have some coin. I guess.
thirtythr33 wrote:might be beneficial to claim being a representative of Venice
Might be. But this knowledge might also bring problems for Acerbi family. I suppose I'd have to hide those papers really well, keep them sewn inside the clothes or something.

Re: The Floating City [OOC] [TWO]

Posted: 12 Mar 2017, 06:19
by Benedict
Korbel wrote:That sounds good, right? Though my character is not really good at riding horses. He's actually better at sprinting and swimming, so the boat+walk solution might serve him better.
thirtythr33 wrote:By boat for ~200km (via the Island of the Damsel (Isola della Donzella) and up the Po river) and then ~30km over land.
Why not this? After all Ferran is a sailor, he can manage a small boat by himself. :D

That would be roughly a 3 days travel (27hrs by boat plus 10hrs by foot), correct? Also we don't risk the roads this way, and save time (by foot its 51 hrs). Provided we can find a small boat at a reasonable price.

Gear: Armor, weaponry, spyglass, map of the area, silver (13sk), flasks with drinking water*, two fishing poles*, a small pot and coals*, salted meat*, a pack of hard tack*, a bag of raisins*.
* Provided we take the boat route. I believe Ferran can have these by requesting them from the Acerbi household.

Will add SA "Honor Ambrogio's request" and move one point from "Make a name..." to the new one.

Also I was wondering. Now that Ferran revealed his oath to Ambrogio and the "inconvenience" of Giovanni's existence does he gets Vow (Minor) and Secret (minor)?

Re: The Floating City [OOC] [TWO]

Posted: 14 Mar 2017, 09:57
by Marras
I suppose Cirillo have just heard some rumors at the gambling dens but nothing helpful.

I agree that we take the boat and march on foot the rest of the way.