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Re: Story Aspect Basics

Posted: 29 Mar 2015, 04:49
by Marras
I got it no, thanks for the explanation! I especially like that karma rule as it clearly tells how many bonus points the next character gets. Nice touch!

Varying amount of SA increase is a good choice.

Re: Story Aspect Basics

Posted: 05 Aug 2015, 04:17
by Marras
It seems like SAs are really central part of the mechanics and the game runs best when each PC has their own agendas.

The sad thing is that my players are not all that much into devising their agendas etc. and are much more old school in gaming mentality. I'm not saying they won't invent agendas later on but I can see them struggle with a new setting and new system already without having to invest time on SAs.

So, how much we are going to loose of the gaming experience if we just leave those out at first? My initial idea for the test game (as outlined in another thread) didn't get as much enthusiasm as I might have liked and it is of course by far easier to introduce players to new system and setting by starting with a ready made adventure.

Of course I hope that SAs would be part of the PCs later on as those would generate adventures naturally and make my job as a GM a lot easier that way.

Re: Story Aspect Basics

Posted: 05 Aug 2015, 14:32
by hector
Given that SAs don't just provide bonuses, they also provide all statistical advancement, it'd be like playing a more traditional game but never awarding any XP. Honestly, I'd suggest having them create characters as a group, deciding all but two of their SAs as just broad strokes type things (the guy's in love with the madam of a local brothel, for example, with no more detail given than that until it comes up in play), and then have them base their penultimate one on one of the SA's chosen by the person sat next to them (to give them a reason to associate with each other).

As the players populate the setting themselves with people and things that they care about (be the sentiment positive or negative), a long term goal might actually suggest itself there, in which case they can have that as their final SA. If it doesn't, that's not a problem; the final SA can wait until something crops up.

Re: Story Aspect Basics

Posted: 05 Aug 2015, 16:01
by Marras
OK, so no skipping the SAs then. I think I have to just find a way to make it work with my players. I like your suggestions, Hector!

Re: Story Aspect Basics

Posted: 06 Aug 2015, 15:59
by higgins
Good tips from Hector. I'd like to add that the SAs also model the characters' convictions, so, have the players draw some lines in the sand as far as their character's morals are concerned (I'm a man of my word, etc) and then do your best as a GM to blur those lines and see if they cross them. :twisted:

Re: Story Aspect Basics

Posted: 07 Aug 2015, 03:20
by Marras
That's a good one :twisted:

I am working on another set up (nothing concrete yet) for another go. It will probably use the same setting as my first attempt but I will go with more usual rogues and other bastards instead of nobles. That might make it easier on my players.