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Re: Ferran Costa "Dal Isolotto"

Posted: 26 Jun 2016, 22:49
by Benedict
Alex wrote:Or since Ferran is not trying to inflict damage with the chest, you can rule it as an easy positioning roll (Ob 1) to gain an Advantage.
Already did the battle with 33 @ roll20, the bloke is on his knees bleeding. :twisted:

33, you will update, or should I do it?

Re: Ferran Costa "Dal Isolotto"

Posted: 26 Jun 2016, 23:20
by thirtythr33
Here's a quick summary from the Roll20 game so everyone else knows what is going on.

After Giorgio does another phrase everyone will be caught up and I'll post an IC summary of what went on.
ThirtyThr33 (GM): he hesitates at the bottom of the stairs; you can tell he isn’t going to walk up
you aren't hiding
its throw now or never
ThirtyThr33 (GM): so 8-5+2b = level 5 wound to shin so far
roll 1d6 to see what it hits on his shin wheel
oh and -3 for his stamina
level 2 wound
An eye watering thump. He suffers 4 impact.
ok so you draw your weapon and we roll initiative
Ferran: i draw the dagger and rush him
ThirtyThr33 (GM): ok so your rolling red? hes going to roll white
do you want to use any positioning rolls or go straight to combat?
Ferran: describe the scene a bit
i'm at mid point of stairs, he's at the foot
his friends, where are they
ThirtyThr33 (GM): you were standing at the top of the stairs and as he got to the bottom you threw the chest down
ThirtyThr33 (GM): it hit him in the leg, clearly hurting him but he doesn't fall over
you dont see his friends, but you assume they are somewhere in the room behind him
Karl and Giorgio are most likely going to jump on them as you planned
Ferran: generally i want to do this. position my self in such a way that i have him on one side, a wall on the other. don't want leaving my flank exposed. and i try to get reach and maintian it, don't want him to get awaya from me.
ThirtyThr33 (GM): ok so your are positioning for effect
ThirtyThr33 (GM): you win
ok, so you position in such a way he cant run away and you cant be flanked
ThirtyThr33 (GM): he has a black cloth mask, thick gloves and boots but otherwise just normal cloth clothing
you can
Ferran: i use a reverse strike to the throat
so total is level 2 pierceing wound
ThirtyThr33 (GM): Crown
Grazed scalp or temple. Surprising amount of blood. BL1
Impact 2, Base TN7
tempo 2!
he didn't defend successfully, so you maintain initiative
ThirtyThr33 (GM): and since you scored a hit you will have reach control next phrase (+4cp for dagger)
Ferran: ok. i press the attack, striking him again
reverse grip/thrust
Ferran: belly
ThirtyThr33 (GM): ok
ThirtyThr33 (GM): ok so he gets out of the way but you keep initiative and reach control for phrase 2
Ferran: 12 dice reverse grip thrust on throat again
ThirtyThr33 (GM): He is going to try to position for effect, so that he is able to run away
Ferran: he could try. and earn a blade in the back
ThirtyThr33 (GM): ok, he tries to duck past you but you cut him off
you can make your attack now
Ferran: i want to disadvantage his defense
Ferran: and i'll allocate 6 dice on precision power thrust to neck
3str+1power+0dagger+2mos-3stam = level 3 wound
and any roll will move to neck so you get him there
Pierced above the collarbone, missing major blood vessels. BL1
Impact 3, BaseTN8
with disadvantage he will be rolling tn9s now :(
Ferran: i shout at him
"Stop moving villain and you'll live to see another day!"
ThirtyThr33 (GM): yeah, he collapses to his knees clutching at his neck that is pouring out blood everywhere
he drops his baton
Ferran stabbed him in the neck twice and backed him into a corner. He's given up.

Re: Ferran Costa "Dal Isolotto"

Posted: 27 Jun 2016, 03:56
by Korbel
Great job! Ferran's dagger is vicious, indeed :twisted:
But your last strike was a Power Swing combined with a Precision Thrust, which isn't allowed:

Reverse Grip | GRIP | AdV | AC0/1
Hold a one-handed weapon in an over-arm or ice-pick grip. Reduces the weapons length
category by 1 and makes the Parry maneuver disadvantaged, but allows the Power Swing
maneuver to be used as a Thrust. A Power Swing cannot be combined with a Precision

Switching grips is free at refresh, but has an AC1 between maneuvers.

Re: Ferran Costa "Dal Isolotto"

Posted: 27 Jun 2016, 04:18
by thirtythr33
Good pick up, I'll keep it in mind for future combats but in this case I think we will leave it as is.

The precision thrust doesn't really make a big difference in this situation since all his Head locations are equally armored anyway. Had he been wearing a helmet, precision thrust with power swing icepick grip could make a big difference.

Re: Ferran Costa "Dal Isolotto"

Posted: 27 Jun 2016, 04:36
by Korbel
That's true, but without spending 2 dice for AC, his blow could be better. One, or maybe two successes more. More damage.

Re: Ferran Costa "Dal Isolotto"

Posted: 27 Jun 2016, 04:38
by Benedict
Korbel wrote:But your last strike was a Power Swing combined with a Precision Thrust, which isn't allowed
True, we both missed that. Still the outcome would be essentially the same or better.

I targeted the head for that strike, and that result was for neck; head or face would be worse (BL1 KO2), and shoulder would be a bit less (KD2 - item). But he was already bleeding from the previous thrust that hit him on the crown. :twisted:

And a question, maybe for the playtesting section. In real life a knife is used with a reverse grip when you want to maximize both damage and accuracy at the cost of range and defense. So maybe the Reverse Grip maneuver for daggers should work like the way we played it out?

Re: Ferran Costa "Dal Isolotto"

Posted: 27 Jun 2016, 07:23
by thirtythr33
As it was an attack in the first tempo, he may not have necessarily used the extra dice in the attack. He may have kept the extra dice for use in the second tempo. It's not worth going over, it's going to be a similar result either way. It's a new system for everyone; mistakes are going to happen.

You can technically still use a precision thrust while in a reverse grip, but only if you aren't also using a power swing. This makes sense to me; a power swing is supposed to represent a wild swing that shouldn't be precise at the same time.

Re: Ferran Costa "Dal Isolotto"

Posted: 21 Oct 2016, 12:38
by thirtythr33
If you edit "this brute is going down today, or my name is not Ferran." to "Ferran Costa" or "Ferran Dal Isolotto" you can take 1 SA for "Wants to make a name for himself!" and fire it for the scene.

PS: Your picture of Ferran broke :(

Re: Ferran Costa "Dal Isolotto"

Posted: 21 Oct 2016, 23:20
by Benedict
thirtythr33 wrote:If you edit "this brute is going down today, or my name is not Ferran." to "Ferran Costa" or "Ferran Dal Isolotto" you can take 1 SA for "Wants to make a name for himself!" and fire it for the scene.
Posted accordingly after Korbel.
thirtythr33 wrote:PS: Your picture of Ferran broke :(
It displays normally for me. :?
Check it again please, if it still doesn't work I will relink it.

Re: Ferran Costa "Dal Isolotto"

Posted: 22 Oct 2016, 00:49
by thirtythr33
picture looks good now. must have just been a temporary thing

Re: Ferran Costa "Dal Isolotto"

Posted: 20 Dec 2016, 20:41
by thirtythr33
Just a quote of relavant information somewhere I will know where to find it so I don't have to keep digger through old threads.
Ferran: "Its really fascinating that I encounter señor Blasio here. It's interesting that I did heard you señor with my own ears trying to play one brother against the other and accuse the good doctor here of being a poisoner. I thought I've seen you before, but now I'm certain. Last time I saw you a couple of fortnights ago in the port of Ragusa, accompanying master Gatti. Before making insinuations or accusations señor better explain yourself, because one of the things I can't abide with is a villain, friend to smugglers and slavers, accusing innocents."

It takes Blasio a few moments before recognition washes over his face. "I hardly have to explain myself to a sailor, but if you had not noticed, Venice is at war. With the majority of our warships battling Charles to the West, the Ottoman Corsairs have become more brazen than ever. If you must know, I have been working through the process of attempting to broach an alliance with them. Venice has vast wealth to spend, but we are short on ships and time and cannot sustain a fight on two fronts. If we could come to agreement with the Ottomans to allow supply ships with Venician flags pass unmolested it would of huge benefit to allowing Venice to continue holding off the Spaniards and the Holy Roman Empire. As we are on the brink of ruin, Venice is in no position to refuse even an unsavory ally." Giacomo nods, as if to confirm.

*OOC: will provide some info on Ragusa and Barbary corsairs soon in info dump, the basic info is that they are pirates and slavers dealing with Arabs and Turks.

Re: Ferran Costa "Dal Isolotto"

Posted: 07 May 2017, 07:47
by thirtythr33
Add one of the following Major Flaws to your character sheet:

Brain Damaged
Old Injury (Spine)

Re: Ferran Costa "Dal Isolotto"

Posted: 07 May 2017, 08:06
by Benedict
Done: Disfigured - Ugly scar across the neck (which he will be hiding with a scarf from now on)

Re: Ferran Costa "Dal Isolotto"

Posted: 07 Jul 2017, 22:49
by thirtythr33
Can you make me a Soc+Manip test? Ferran gets advantage for using his scar and +1 for having all these extra people around "helping". No SAs, I don't think.

Against Lucio's Willx2 with disadvantage

[dice seed=19037 secure=c94c6356_0]8d10[/dice]

[dice seed=22498 secure=7ef06854_1]1d10[/dice]

Re: Ferran Costa "Dal Isolotto"

Posted: 08 Jul 2017, 03:46
by Benedict

[dice seed=23879 secure=e77fb269_0]6d10[/dice]
[dice seed=42529 secure=45bdef95_1]1d10[/dice]

MoS1. :)