I've been busy behind the scenes. A couple months ago I had a burst of inspiration and began an experiment.
One of the best parts of Sword & Scoundrel has always been its shared TROS heritage. Norwood's baby has had a profound effect not just on the way S&S developed, but on the way I ran and played games, period. Years after Driftwood went under, S&S started life as an unofficial fan-made second edition. Over time, the game took on a life and identity of its own.
This document represents the largest departure to date. It's an experimental reimagining of the combat system that allows for a more fluid experience. Phase one of the testing involved a closed group aiming for proof of concept. Phase two got the patrons involved. Now we're at stage three, releasing it to you lot to break.
Thanks again to all of you for your support. You make this possible.
Check out Patreon for the download link
And feel free to join the conversation on Discord.